Indian Film FesCval of Melbourne Physical FesCval • August 12-21 • Venues across Melbourne
Indian Film FesCval of Melbourne Opening Night • Thursday August 12 • HOYTS Melbourne Central
Indian Film FesCval of Melbourne Virtual FesCval • August 15-30 • Online

The Indian Film FesCval of Melbourne (IFFM) is delighted to announce its return to cinemas in 2021. Following last year’s virtual fesGval – which reached IFFM’s largest audience to date – IFFM returns this August as a hybrid fesGval with bothphysical cinema and virtual screenings, ensuring audiences around the country can join in and celebrate the best of contemporary Indian cinema, in the 75th year of Indian independence.

In 2021, IFFM takes over five key venues in Melbourne’s CBD and suburbs, while an extended virtual season will see films stream for free via the fesGval’s website, IFFM has partnered with the Mental Health Founda.on Australia, and viewers will be encouraged to donate to the organisaGon when they stream FesGval films.
Kicking off a diverse and dynamic program of more than 70 feature films, documentaries and shorts – the largest fesGval of its kind in the southern hemisphere – is the 2021 IFFM Opening Night film, Ajitesh Sharma’s WOMB (Women of My Billion).

A heart-wrenching and heart-warming documentary about the dreams and the fight against all forms of violence that unify the women of India today, WOMB (Women of My Billion) follows one young woman, SrishG Bakshi, as she embarks on a monumental journey, walking nearly 4000 kilometres over 240 days, from Kanyakumari in South India, to Kashmir in the North. Along the way, she meets and learns first hand about the experiences of women from all corners of the country.

SrishC Bakshi said: “Violence against women and girls is a human rights violaGon. Since the outbreak of Covid-19 and the world locking down to live within four walls, emerging data and reports from those on the frontlines have shown that all types of violence against women and girls, parGcularly domesGc violence, has only intensified. In this documentary we celebrate ordinary women who show extraordinary courage to rise above their limitaGons and challenge deeply entrenched gender norms. We do this to unite the majority because what we discovered was that ‘gender-based violence is a crime perpetrated by the minority but perpetuated by the silence of the majority.”

Producer Apoorva Bakshi, said, “We take great pride in presenGng our film at IFFM as the opening night gala presentaGon and look forward to sharing it with audiences worldwide. This documentary not only presents facts but also highlights possible soluGons which can be implemented today.

Mitu Bhowmick Lange, IFFM Director: “A]er the unprecedented challenges faced over the last 18 months, we are excited to bring the Indian Film FesGval of Melbourne back to the big screen, while our digital pla_orm will ensure viewers around

Australia can access the FesGval too. In 2021, IFFM pays tribute to not only the best of Indian cinema, but to many of our COVID-19 heroes, offering vital community support, connecGon and hope in these challenging Gmes.”
Caroline Pitcher, Film Victoria CEO: “Film Victoria is proud to be the principal partner of the Indian Film FesGval of Melbourne.

For over a decade, this incredible celebraGon of Indian film and culture has given Victorians the opportunity to engage
with diverse and compelling screen stories, and it’s wonderful that this year we can come together both in cinemas across Melbourne and online.”

The Indian Film FesGval of Melbourne is the southern hemisphere’s greatest annual celebraGon of Indian cinema and films from the Indian sub-conGnent. Established in 2010, it is recognised as an important feature of the State’s cultural calendar.
IFFM is proudly supported by the Victorian Government via Film Victoria – principal partner of the fesGval.
The full 2021 IFFM program launches on date TBC

The full 2021 IFFM program launches on date TBC

2021 Indian Film FesCval of Melbourne dates: August 12-21 in cinemas; August 15-30 online
For more informaGon regarding this media release please contact
Miranda Brown Publicity M: 0491 743 610 / E:

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