Tarot card predictions June 2021

Mars will have a strong position, which will add energy to some, but it can give fire signs a mood for quarrels. You should make the most of your physical strength, which will help you clear your negative mind.  

The Sun in Gemini,Venus in Cancer,Mercury in Gemini,Mars in Cancer       


FIRE SIGN ~Inner strength, spontaneous energy

During the whole of June, Aries should watch out for excessive irritability. It’s highly possible that you will take some remarks of others too personally, and then worry about them for too long. In these situations, remember that it’s not about what others think of you. What you think about yourself is what matters. There’s no point venting your anger through arguments and conflicts, instead, try some breathing exercises, yoga or meditation. These practices will help you process your emotions and move on with a clean slate.At this time, you will also be brimming with imagination and originality. Try to make good use of it, for example, decorate your home or develop a project on which you could work with your children.


EARTH SIGN ~Strong and stubborn

 The upcoming June will awake a desire to visit an unknown place within you. If you haven’t had a good vacation for long, realize it. You deserve it, and thanks to it, you will sort your thoughts out. Don’t forget to take your partner or acquaintance with you – the stay will get you closer to each other. Now it’s the right time for Taurus to relax and gather fresh wind into the sails.thyroid problems should be careful, especially at the beginning of the month, when the disease may show to be more severe.


AIR SIGN ~Comunicative and polite character 

June, Gemini might feel a strong inner uneasiness. Maybe you’ve just left your job or a long-term partner. If you’ve made a decision that has thrown you into unknown waters, remember that these emotions are completely normal and soon, everything will be alright. Until you get back on your feet, be sure to try yogi breathing exercises or meditation, for example. June Might seem like a period of personal disasters, but you’ll soon realize that it was rather the exact opposite.t is an excellent time to plan your trip and find a way to use your communication skills abroad.


WATER SIGN ~Emotional but the responsive character

June, the Cancers will be affected by Venus. Especially the tender sex will feel its influence and will be very attractive to men. You will be able to impress them mainly with your seeming defencelessness or with protective tendencies. The ones in a relationship will be unusually tender and caring. As your emotional state will be quite unpredictable, you can easily slip into a vulnerability that your colleagues or even friends could take advantage of. You should better avoid working on big projects at work. Others would be praised, and your efforts would be underestimated or even forgotten.


FIRE SIGN ~Courage, self-confidence

 June, the Leos will be under the powerful influence of Mars. This connection will mean unpredictability and nervousness for them. You will have trouble with stand the negativity from the others and stay calm. Prepare for frequent quarrels.

On the contrary, this connection’s benefit is that you will be in great shape; you will desire sport and be very initiative. In short, you will not sit idle for a moment, and you will continuously look for activities that would keep you busy because you will never have enough. However, you should be careful not to do too much at once as you might not be able to cope with it in the future.A good relationship with yourself leads to good relationships with others. Your knowledge will come in handy in the future.


EARTH SIGN~careful, attentive but intelligent

June will intensify your emotions – whether they’re positive or negative. That will resemble a rollercoaster – in one moment you’ll feel like you’re on top of the world, in another, at the deepest bottom. If you get attacked by depression or anxiety, know that this shall pass. Emotions have to surface before they leave your system for good. Virgo should also think about finding some kind of a balance and not getting eaten up by their feelings. Calm activities like a walk in nature will help you a ton during this extreme time.You will take your mental restlessness on the others, and even on people, you don’t know at all. Although this may not seem like that to you, try to think sometimes about how your reaction may have affected them.


AIR SIGN ~justice, sympathy, harmony

June will be revolving around money, not only within work but also savings management. You certainly don’t want to end up in debt, so always think twice whether you really can’t live without the thing you’re going to buy. Libra will get to a point when various costs creep up – watch out for having a breakdown. When you feel like you can’t take it anymore, have a relaxing bath or a cup of lemon balm or valerian tea which has a soothing effect on the nervous system.Nervousness will take you over in June. You will have trouble with time management, and it will not be easy to concentrate on work. Things you have been putting off for a long time will also come up


WATER SIGN ~foresighted and empathetic to the others

June. You will take anything that happens personally. In some cases, you could be even hysterical, which could affect the others’ view of you, which could have fatal consequences, especially at work.Family should be one of the main priorities of every person and Scorpio will realize that during this period. You are an indispensable part of your family circle, and most of the close ones are relying on your wisdom, advice and objective view on potential problems. When you lend a helping hand to them, June will become a period of great harmony and solidarity. Don’t forget about your needs though and care for your body as well. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can do wonders.Since you will be overwhelmed by emotions, you might enjoy doing an activity where you could make fair use of that mental energy you have. Meditation, a mental detox, or more intense contact with your religious community might be the ones.


FIRE SIGN ~purposeful, energic, and full of desire 

June, it will be an ideal time for cleaning and reorganizing your home. Sagittariuses should take advantage of free evenings, sort out things they don’t use, and donate them to charity, for example. A dedicated space in the apartment will help you concentrate, and you can soften your karma by donating unnecessary things. In addition, it will be an excellent time to re-sort your thoughts.you will tend to overestimate your physical abilities. If you are going on a hike, you should set less demanding goals so that you don’t have to risk any injuries that could complicate the upcoming months.June will start a social period which could generally be positive, but absorbing all kinds of energies and moods of other people is, on the other hand, very exhausting. Know that it’s also important to spend some time alone – this way, you’ll sort out thoughts


EARTH SIGN ~Conservative signs are practical, cautious

June, Capricorns will be communicative and helpful. Such a mood could be an ideal opportunity to renew old friendships or even meet with your former classmates. You will have advanced a lot by that time, and you will definitely impress the others, which will eventually strengthen your self-confidence.This month, the full moon will have a significant impact on you, so at this time, be sure to avoid any strain, stress, and emotional pain. If you don’t, the consequences could be fatal in many ways, whether it’s an injury or a feeling of burnout.June will intensify emotions, and with that, there is a risk that you could take every remark of others too personally and get offended as a result.


AIR SIGN ~Soulful and romantic 

Aquarians will enjoy parties, and they will be very entertaining in June. Your spontaneity will not let you plan anything in advance, and the more you will enjoy these events. You will be restless, you will seek attention, and you will experience a lot. However, if someone tries to hold you back, it will lead almost inevitably to a conflict.

Thanks to this mood, you will be very carefree throughout the month, and you will not let any trouble or thoughts about the past get you down. Yet, you shouldn’t postpone all of your duties as they may later get back to you all at once.  

During this period, kindness will be your day-to-day reality. If you’re in a long-term relationship, you will be intensively thinking about the next step.


WATER SIGN~strong internal perception and inspiration

June is often the month when many try to lose excess weight as quickly as possible with drastic diets. Remember that perseverance means success, and it is impossible to get your dream body in three weeks, but you will feel much better about yourself, which will positively affect all aspects of your life. June will be revolving around spending time with your closest ones – some family trip or a cinema visit is absolutely ideal. You will be excited about strengthening the relationships, which will be worth it in the future. When it comes to some self-education, the horoscope implies that it will be better to leave it for another time. You won’t absorb information very effectively, because you are just not interested in it now. You will greatly benefit from a break from the everyday work bustle.

Sending you good luck vibes.~


Pujashaktti  Astrologer Tarot card reader~Fortune Teller 

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