Tarot card predictions May 2021

This time will bring stress to the water signs, Many you will be strongly influenced by Saturn, giving them the need to force their authority and respect from those around them. This combination can be explosive with fixed signs, especially Aquarians and Tauruses, be careful so that your loved ones do not suffer because of your behavior.

The Sun in Taurus~Venus in Taurus~Mercury in Gemini~Mars in Cancer


FIRE SIGN ~Inner strength, spontaneous energy

 If the conservative Aries didn’t pursue new experiences until now, May could change that. This month, they could find a hidden inner desire for the unknown. The universe will start giving you atypical situations and options that could awaken fear in you. However, if you overcome your worries, you can be almost sure that you won’t regret it. Whether it’s traveling, new career options, or relationships. Simply put, you have an opportunity to start flourishing. May is also the month of love. If you have a partner, you will feel like spending more time with him or her. However, if you are single, beware of the depression that might come.


EARTH SIGN ~Strong and stubborn

 May, Tauruses will regain their confidence in all aspects of life thanks to the influence of the Sun. Therefore, it is a great time to go back to things that you have avoided thinking you are not good enough. You may be very pleasantly surprised this time. You will be independent and slightly egocentric, so it will be better to take care of them by yourself.

This star also gives people a tendency to subdue and rule others. A better time to think about raising children may not come this year. At the same time, try to keep a good relationship with them.


AIR SIGN ~Comunicative and polite character 

May is an absolutely ideal month for strengthening relationships with your close ones. You will be convinced about that when you take a trip or go for dinner together. Gemini will be open to build stronger bonds, and they won’t have a problem saying what they think. Your great energy will be contagious to others too, thanks to which, spending time with you will be really joyful for them. Thanks to Venus, it will go like butter – it will give you patience, devotion, and selflessness. But don’t expect to fix everything with a few sweet words. Some relationships are simply too broken. This planet will also catch up with you in terms of money. You will often tend to make huge purchases of things that you will not actually use. 


WATER SIGN ~Emotional but the responsive character

May, Mars will negatively affect all those who were born in this sign. You will have tendencies to get around problems by postponing them and solving them later. On the other hand, your protective instinct will be stronger than usual. If someone close to you is endangered, you will defend them at all costs, and you will not hesitate to use even physical force. However, those of you who will try to suppress their feelings will only achieve unjustified anger. In this period, you won’t take standing in one place, because you will be attracted to an inexhaustible amount of options.


FIRE SIGN ~Courage, self-confidence

May will bring calm emotions, meaning you will feel inner peace, even though you might not have a real reason for it. It’s like everything just falls into place – whether relationships, career, or personality growth. However, Leo must not forget their health too. You will be prone to the flu and cold and therefore, we recommend strengthening your immunity with proper hydration and herb teas. And if you add sports to the mix, no bug can get to you. this month will be full of happiness and peace for you, so you will tend to forget about work or school, and instead, you will enjoy your time doing an outdoor activity.it is possible that you will get some great news about someone’s marriage or pregnancy


EARTH SIGN~careful, attentive but intelligent

May is an absolutely ideal month for any physical activity. Your condition will be at its peak, and therefore, the horoscope recommends utilizing it while doing sports and various physical activities. What about running or hitting a gym? The movement has a soothing effect on both the body and the mind. Any kind of spleen can be warded off by the correct activities, and if you’ve wanted to change your diet for a long time, go for it. Virgo will now realize how much of an effect food has on the general well-being.


AIR SIGN ~justice, sympathy, harmony

May will bring interesting ideas, which will be greatly utilized primarily in the work area of life. Probably, you’ve been thinking about an interesting project, that you would love to put into practice, for a few months. The stars imply that if you take up carrying out this unique and novel idea, you will harvest sweet fruit even if that means leaving your job. And in case Libra doesn’t feel like jumping into the unknown, they can start doing it while doing the current job at the same time. Take good care of your health, especially in late May. You should reduce alcohol consumption, as the next full moon in Libra might cause some health issues in your kidneys. 


WATER SIGN ~foresighted and empathetic to the others

May will represent a certain downturn of your emotions, and when it comes to talking with your better half about the future, you will feel like it doesn’t involve you at all. If that happens, don’t make excuses, familiarize your partner with the planet positions and their impact on your behavior! The influence of Mercury is undeniable, and at least, you will have a good excuse. But Scorpio should show their partner that they care about them anyway. Discussing serious matters can be left for some other time. You will also do very well at work. The ideas just come up, and you will approve of the opportunity and go forward, and you will be successful. Just be careful not to be too ruthless and self-centered.


FIRE SIGN ~purposeful, energic, and full of desire 

influence of the Sun, in this period, you will feel very optimistic. There will be a positive energy around you, and you will also feel tenacious and even greedy. Sagittarius is going strong for their goal, and it seems like there’s nothing that could stop them. For the people born under this fire sign, May will be one of the most productive months. People close to you will notice that quickly and might even take you as an example. That will be flattering to you, however, try avoiding arrogant behavior. It could scare off even the most loyal companions. This month is also the perfect time to think about your bad habits and start fighting them. Although it may seem unachievable at first, it will sure make you and your better self move forward.


EARTH SIGN ~Conservative signs are practical, cautious

influence of Mars, May will take place in the spirit of order and organization. Maybe Capricorn will feel the need to make order in the closet and throw out old clothes, or vacuum and wash the car – in short, put every aspect of your life in order. You will feel repulsed by any chaos, and with your cleaning activities, you will inspire the people close to you as well. You probably have noticed that when you operate in a clean environment, your mind is brighter. Your only distraction from your progress will be your absent-mindedness. Due to the excess energy, you won’t be able to sit for a while, and you will go from one thing to another without finishing any.


AIR SIGN ~Soulful and romantic 

influence of the Sun, May will give you leadership abilities. Aquarius is a luminary-based sign, so you don’t have to be afraid that you would seem arrogant. Your colleagues and family will feel that there is, indeed, something to your ideas, and you will present them with such persuasiveness which will make them stay on your side. Make use of this confident time to improve your relationships – after all, social contact is what makes us human. You will have a reliable perception of the moon phases. It will affect your mood, your work commitment, and your health. You will be particularly susceptible to joint pain, and your skin will be sensitive as well. 


WATER SIGN~strong internal perception and inspiration

Pisces is a naturally introverted sign. You certainly don’t like speaking in front of lots of people and sharing your feeling – your idea of a perfect evening is spent under the blanket with a good book, rather than being surrounded by plenty of people at a party or in a club. However, May could change that for a while. You will be more pushful, and the stars will also give you good speaking skills, so you won’t shy away from these challenges – you might be surprised because of this. This period could also bring remorse for the past. You should not dig into it too deep, but rather look forward.

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