Tarot card predictions April 2021

By Puja Shaktti

  April 2021 will be a very successful month for fixed signs, especially for Arieses and Aquarians. You will be very capable in your working life, and you will begin to aspire for a promotion. You will be able to quickly and efficiently use the new information,

Venus in Aries~Mercury in Aries~Mars in Gemini



 Aries, April will be a rather romantic phase. People born under this sign will start thinking intensely about their relationships. Perhaps, in this month, Aries will find their true love. Communication will be straightforward, clear and honest. You will make the best use of this period by strengthening your relationships. Mars will give you a strong humanitarian and progressive thinking and therefore, any injustice or greed will be hard to look at.During this time, you may tend to make impulsive decisions – with your heart. When it comes to love and relationships, you become unstoppable in your efforts, sometimes even uncompromising. You will have a good time in a group where you can have fun and maybe flirt a bit too. It’s possible that you will look for conflicts in which you can show your superiority too.



 April will awaken great moral sensibilities within you. The stars will give you a massive dose of confidence and therefore, you will be emitting respect. If Taurus is a witness of unfair behaviour, they will intervene without hesitation. For example, if somebody is bullied at your job, you will stand up for them and set the record straight. This heroism could attract an unexpected love to your life, and if that happens, go for it. This month is certainly good for new relations.relationships that will be influenced by Venus. This planet will also affect your desire to surround yourself with beauty. It is, therefore, an ideal time to decorate a house or change its appearance.



April is about mental energy, and you won’t have trouble organizing anything. Mercury will give you good communication skills which will be manifested in relationships, as well as work. Your brain will go at full speed, however, beware of saying something you might later regret. Gemini will notice that they will be able to absorb information effectively, that’s why we recommend dedicating time to self-study, cultural experiences or travelling to yet unknown countries.Whoever it is, you will argue over the little things, and you might regret it later. In addition to conflicts, you will also return to the old wrongs of the past.



With the influence of the Sun, April will be lit up by energy. Inspiration will be on every corner, and so it’s an ideal time for Cancer to start a new project. You will do very well at work, and if you’re employed, a promotion could be looming on the horizon. Relationships will flourish too but beware not to push too hard. As you’re probably not very sociable, and those who don’t know you might mistake this characteristic as your personality. Reading can help you calm down. Find a quiet place, take your favorite book, and let yourself be drawn into the plot. Also, gaining knowledge will help you relax.



April will be a month of independence and change for the Leos. Whether it’s a change in your behavior, in the lifestyle, at work, or a change in your visage, you’ll enjoy it to the fullest. However, it will also bring some negatives. You will want to get rid of your current obligations and enjoy your freedom. You might regret such changes later.If you are attracted to the alternative sciences, this month is a great time to get into them since the horoscope shows that you will be enlightened by exceptional talent, which may not last long.In this time, beware of exaggerated emotional outbursts. You are under a lot of pressure at work and you tend to vent your discontentment to your surroundings.


April will be quite wild for Virgos in terms of relationships. It is possible that someone special will appear in your life and you will fall in love with them at first sight. Although you probably can’t stop thinking about this person, you should let things go at their own pace and not rush anything.Positivity will take you over this month. You will wake up with enthusiasm and handle all responsibilities with ease and humor. But beware of your colleagues, who may take such a mood as opportunism and see you as a threat.With the influence of the Sun, you will feel a zest for life and huge mental capacity.



April will challenge you to focus on the physical. You will have a strong mental, as well as physical strength and it’s needed to vent it somewhere. In this period, it’s ideal for Libra to start with some strength training, whether it’s exercising with weights, interval training or callisthenics. You will have so much energy that you will probably have a problem calming yourself, which could lead to insomnia. Exhaust your physical body, and the mind will follow. Speaking of mental energy, for example, start doing some kind of art.Libras will be on the top of the world in April. Everything will work in harmony at home and work, and it will be a great time to go on a short holiday.



The energy of this month will make you interested in a lot of things, whether it’s preparation for a vegetable soup or quantum physics. However, keep in mind that it doesn’t matter what you’re getting better at; it’s important that doing it fulfils you. Scorpio will also tend to try new things in their relationships, so various trips are a good idea, as well as experimentation in bed with your better half. April will give you a lot of different experiences, and you will discover what you really love doing.in April. In some ways, you will be prone to jealousy, leading to vengeful behavior as Mars will influence you. Think carefully about your actions and about what causes them.Since your reactions to any changes will not be very positive



April, you will feel a strong urge to strengthen the bonds with your family and friends. Why not go on a nature trip? Or a concert by your favourite band? Sagittarius will feel very relaxed in these social circles and realize the importance of keeping quality relationships. April will give you a lot of mental energy that will be utilized the best in work life. Your efficiency will remind a machine, and fellow workers will be full of wonder because of that. Thanks to you, a lot of interesting ideas might come to light.Try to spend as much time as possible with your children.



April will make you pay attention to your family. Unfortunately, you probably won’t avoid conflict, which will shake your relationships a lot. Now it will be hard for you to incline to one of the sides. Although you would prefer being impartial, it may not be possible. Capricorn will have arguments with one half of the family, which will only bring further complications. Try to relax as much as possible. If you feel like you can’t, you could start with meditation, for example.in April. Your life will be all about work, and whether you enjoy it or not



April will awaken restlessness within you, and so you will feel like you can’t stand in one place. In such a state, you won’t be able to finish anything, so it will be better for you to slow down your pace – natural walks will, therefore, be very suitable, as well as exercise and any other activities that will calm your mind. Aquarius will sort out their thoughts, and when they feel ready, they will get back to the standard pace of their life.you will be very impulsive in the other aspects of life in April, which could disrupt your relationship with those you are close to. When they take time to reply to your message, it frustrates you, and therefore you may decide to spend less time with some of them or avoid them altogether.



April, Pisces will seem like different people due to the influence of Mercury. On the one hand, your speaking skills will improve unbelievably, which can benefit you in many ways, but it will also bring along the temptation to manipulate others. Not only could your intentions get out of hand, but also they could come to light, and you would quite possibly lose a lot of your loved ones.This planet will also bring you much creativity that you’ve never experienced before. Why not try painting or similar creative activities?Take care of your financial management, because April will bring unexpected costs that you might not be ready for.

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