Actor Saroni Roy takes action for the UN Sustainability Development Goals through 2021 IWD & Harmony Day global initiatives

The Australian Actor and Founder & CEO of Saroni Roy Foundation,Saroni Roy, throughout the month of March 2021 worked on a series of Webinars and Multiculturalevents for University students and the International women’s community in India& Australia, to mark IWD 2021 and Harmony Day 2021, taking action for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the blueprint to achieve a better, peaceful and more sustainable future for all. Saroni Roy Foundation’s core values of Diversity, Sustainability and Social Justice are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and Saroni’s work in these initiatives profoundly contributed to the *UN SDGs no. 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 17. Focussing on UN SDG no. 4& 8, Saroni was invited as a guest speaker at the Arka Literary Club, Arka Jain University Jharkhand (India) ‘Student Motivation’Webinar on ‘Drama v/s Film v/s Commercial’.

“It was an emotional and nostalgic experience, connecting with the University students from the Jamshedpur campus, my hometown! The pandemic has been challenging for all of us, but especially students, as their careers were affected, leaving most of them feeling a bit lost about what are their options in the post-Covid world. I feel it isso important to educatestudents with information about how they can achieve sustained careers in the arts globally, and also to provide that mental strength and resilience by just sharing my life experiences.” 

Contributing to UN SDG 5, On 8th of March 2021Saroni was invited as a guest of honour for a Meet & Greet via Stream Yard at The Aananda Imperial Svenska, Bilaspur (India) and 94.3 My FM to celebrate IWD 2021 with eminent women achievers from India. “This was a delightful interaction where we (women from all walks of life) shared our experiences of what is like to be a woman in today’s day and age, my journey of surviving cancer to body shaming to bullying, assault, and how acting and giving back to the global community is my healing mechanism.” Aligned with the UN SDGs 4,5,8, 10, 17, Saroni is also a Global Mentor at the Worldwide SHEroes – a Leadership & Mentorship Platform that was launched on the 19th March 2021 in Sydney, with a mission to engage, empower, and enable women leaders for a better world. She was awarded as a SHERO, a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a heroine. SHEROES have overcome challenges, gained wisdom and experience and embrace Ubuntu ––“I am because you are”. The platform provides an opportunity to women across the globe to choose Saroni and several other inspiring and accomplished women from across the world, as their mentor for success. As a peace ambassador, she has conceptualised and hosted an extensive list of multicultural community-cohesion, world peace programs and events that have brought together active participation from the Indigenous and International communities.

On 20th March 2021 marking the Harmony Day in Australia, Saroni curated 2021 Harmony Day Red Carpet Walk for the Powerful Empowered Women’s IWD 2021 ‘Choose To Challenge’ event held at Rydges, Norwest, NSW. The show saw some of the most stunning and inspiring women from around the world representing Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia,  China, India, Lebanon, Nepal, Nigeria, Korea and many more, showcasing their ethnic, multicultural fashion and beauty. “Aligned to the UN SDG 5 and16, the Harmony Day coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and I was immensely pleased with the multicultural harmony I was able to curate with this soiree”.     

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