“Once you are in tune with meditation, it should be made possible to meditate in all circumstances – even amid noise,” Sri Anbe Arunachalananda

By Nidhi Kumari

 Sri Anbe Arunachalananda (Guruji), has been working towards the vision of the Siddha tradition, which advocates the well-being of Mother Earth and shifting the perception of the younger generation towards high thinking and high living. Guruji’s vision is also to make every individual to vibrate divine cosmic sound through Yoga sadhana.

Guruji will be conducting, Global Guided Meditation via live telecast on Facebook & Youtube From India  on the 11th -12th March 2021 in conjunction to  Universal Celebration  Maha Shivarathir. “This is to serve humanity as per the Siddha Vision, that everyone needs to know the true meaning of Love and Compassion through Shiva’s Descend on Maha Shivarathri,” he said. Indus Age spoke to Guruji ahead of the event asking the relevance of ‘Dhyana’, its benefits and a lot more.

What is the significance of meditation in our culture and

heritage? Also, why is it important in today’s time?

Your question covers a wide field of understanding; therefore, it is necessary to reply to them, touching only some significant points. The word “meditation” in English is to express the Indian idea of “Dhyana”. Dhyana (Meditation) means focusing with a concentration of the mind to dwell on a single subject. It can be on a deity, mantra, on your Athma (Soul). For example, when we meditate on “OM” Nada (cosmic-sound), it will lead towards the opening of one’s Higher Divine Consciousness within which it has Love, Bliss light, and Wisdom. While doing so, the concentration force merges into the thing you are focusing on and receives the blessings and healings for the Soul, mind, and body.

There are many other varieties of Dhyana. In our culture and tradition with is centralized teachings of “Aham-Brhamasmi/Tat-Twam-Asi”, I am That. The meditation upon your Soul as Shiva’s Soul is paramount. The more a seeker meditate on “I am Shiva’ through concentration, Self Realisation takes place by His Grace as the thing concentrated is Self Realisation itself.

Is there a particular time/ rules, standard form that one should follow to meditate?

There are no crucial external conditions, but seclusion at the time of meditation as well as stillness of the body with the spine kept straight is a necessity. Choose a particular time for your meditation and keep to the same timing every day. Once you are in tune with meditation, it should be made possible to meditate in all circumstances, walking, lying, and even amid the noise. What is most necessary, is to love the act of meditation to increase the purity and calm part of your existence to surface. One must be able to communicate with one’s Higher Self in one’s own emotions to God, rules and regulations become mechanical once you realize your Soul as divine.

What are the benefits of meditation? How has the response of your followers been so far?

Human thinking is on an extrovert movement in his individual surface consciousness; hence lives in it with his limited pieces of information and suffers the limitation of higher intelligence and power. Meditation helps to make one realize one’s higher potentialities of strength and intelligence and start learning and experience Love’s power within one’s Soul. It will introduce you to the higher realm, and the more one establishes themselves in that ream, the seeker starts expressing Divine Qualities.

I don’t have followers as such; I share the Wisdom of our ancient Sampradaya with a small group of people, and I confidently say that all those I have guided know what Shiva-Shakthi is. Every one of them has Experienced Divine in them. The response is overwhelming when I hear their experiences and their contentment with their daily inner worship called Sadhana.

Tell us about your upcoming event – Mahashivratri Sidhi – meditation. What is it and how can a person be a part of it?

Maha Shivarathri is a global cosmic event where Lord Shiva, in is His most Potent state of Union with Shakthi, descends into the earth sphere. This is Shiva’s Most Active Power as Shakthi enters into

Shiva by meditating on His Love. It is a Union of Love Energy, that is where Shiva gave His part to Her. So also, when we meditate on this great Night of the Original Union of Shiva-Shakthi, we too can merge into Shiva as how Shakthi received Her Oneness with Him to receive all His blessings, healings, and empowerment.

We are conducting a Guided Meditation throughout the night in four-phase. Each guided meditation will stretch for one hour. The Guided meditation is from the Siddha Parampara. Chanting Om Na Ma Si Va Ya Mantra’s techniques to cleanse and heal the body and mind to merge one’s Soul into Shiva has been eloquently taught in our ancient Indian tradition. We will be using this method of Inner Worship through Chakras.

The program event as per below schedule

Starting from the 11th March 2021 Night:

Guided Meditation Malaysia Time India Time

1st Kalha Meditation 8pm-9pm 5.30pm-6.30pm

2nd Kalha Meditation 10.30pm-11.30pm 8.00pm– 9.00pm

3rd Kalha Meditation 1.00 am-2.00am 10.30pm-11.30pm

4th Kalha Mediation 3.30 am-4.30 am 1.00am-2.00am

Apart from the central Guided Meditation, we also organize ten days of free teachings on Maha Shiva Rathri. Attending the discourse will give much clarity on Maha Shiva Rathri and prepare you to meditate.

The speech will disclose Na Ma Si Va Ya’s meaning and much other knowledge needed for your Soul to merge into Shiva’s Love.

Your message to our readers in Australia.

I have no message, but I have a Divine request to all readers in Australia.

Let us all come and meditate together on Maha Shiva Rathri as a Human Race of Mother Earth. Let us all pay our Gratitude to Shiva- Shakthi by merging our Soul to His Love Light. Not only to experience His Dance in our Athma (Soul) but also to share His vibrations and Aura that will enter you on that night during the guided meditation to Humanity, Mother Earth, and All other beings.

We need to spread His most potent healing power on us and our environment. Our environment needs Love and healing energy now more than ever. This is an excellent opportunity to serve ourselves and mother earth as a collective prayer to Lord Shiva.

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