Usher a better 2021

By Dr T. Selva

Astrologically you can look forward to a healthier start in 2021 compared to the last year.

Economically, the new year offers a gradual restart, improvement and confidence for all types of ventures which were affected by COVID-19 pandemic.

Seventh generation astrologer Master Yuvaraj Sowma in Chennai, India, analysed all the 12 zodiac signs and shared his findings with me for the benefit of all readers of this column.

According to him, better business atmosphere will prevail from 21st March onwards.

Below is his analyse on what the future holds for the various zodiac signs using the Indian almanac.

The Indian calendar is based on moon signs called rasi. Readers should note that Western astrology is based on sun signs.

If, say, your Western astrological star sign is Aries, your sign under the Indian system might not be the same.

Consult an astrologer to determine your moon sign because it is too complicated to explain how to do that here.

And don’t be disappointed if your forecast indicates a weak period ahead for you. You can avert the worst by performing prayers and spiritual activities, doing good deeds and performing acts of charity to mitigate negative planetary forces.

It will be a positive year for those born under the signs of Pisces (Meena), Taurus (Vrishabha), Leo (Simha) and Scorpio (Vrichika).

Moderate level will be experienced by those who are Virgo (Kanya), Cancer (Kataka), Libra (Thula), Sagittarius (Dhanus) and Aries (Mesham).

Below average results are expected for those who belong to Capricorn (Makara), Aquarius (Kumbha),) and Gemini (Mithuna).

Aries (Mesham)

There will be improvement in your career but you need to watchyour expenditure. If you are a student, you should be able to complete your examinations successfully and explore furthering your studies abroad. Mixed outcomes are indicated in family affairs and you should control your temper which is the source of tension in your relationship. For those who are single, chances of you getting married is likely.

Taurus (Rishabam)

There will be unexpected changes in 2021 in multiple aspects of life.Career wise, things will remain favourable and positive job displacement is indicated. Improved earnings and monetary accumulation will be experienced from January to September. Your love life will blossom. Pay attention to your health and prepare a daily exercise regime to stay fit and healthy.

Gemini (Mithuna)

It will be a challenging year for you because Saturn and Jupiter will be in the 8th house. Avoid all kind of risky activities and don’t give surety to anyone. Keep away from speculation-based businesses. If you are planning to get married soon, postpone it to 2022. Take extra care of your health and keep close watch on your spending. Overall, there will be some beneficial months but youwill have to put up with some stressful situations.

Cancer (Kataka)

Major changes and transformations are indicated in your work and personal life. Remain calm and cautions from April to September and refrain from any kind of disputes at home or work. Improved income is suggested and you will be able to settle your debts. However, you will have to work hard to attain the desired results. Some health issues may trouble you and you will have to seek medical attention.

Leo (Simha)

It is going to be full of ups and downs for you but don’t worry because the outcome will be positive. April to May will be a bit challenging at your place of work. Financially windfall is expected between August and October and you will be able to save some money. Your health related to hands, stomach and kidneys may be of some concern. Students will have to study harder to achieve success.

Virgo (Kanya)

Mixed results await you and the first half of the year would be better and the second half which would require some attention. New job opportunities will arrive between March and May and you should explore taking up the offer because it will satisfy your career desire. Your success will depend on your hard work and consistent efforts. Watch your spending. Family and health will remain good.

Libra (Thula)

It is going to be a roller-coaster ride for you in terms of career. If you are into business, avoid joint-ventures from February to April because it can lead you into problems. Students born under this sign will perform well in their studies. Relocation or staying away from family due to work commitments is indicated. Watch your diet, exercise regularly and take extra care of your health.

Scorpio (Vrichika)

The new year brings promising financial gain and your shrewdness will allow you to make sound decisions. In the beginning you will incur expenditure but you will be successful in saving your money as well. You will emerge victorious in case of any ongoing disputes. Although you will remain healthy for most of the period, minor problems may bother you from time to time.

Sagittarius (Dhanus)

You are expected to reign in better results whether it is related to academics, career or finances. You will get the support of your seniorsat work and be able to achieve your desired results. If you are into higher education, you can enrol in January, April, May and September. Health should be fair although small issues may arise frequently.

Capricorn (Makara)

Your success will depend on the efforts you put in your career. Financial troubles are indicated and you are urged to spend money thoughtfully. Your adamant nature can lead you to some controversy and don’t let any kind of dispute escalate with your partner. If you are not cautious it can be a troublesome year. Your health should be stable.

Aquarius (Kumbha)

You will experience mixed results in your workplace and face ups and downs. Financial obstacles are indicated and you are advised to improve your saving in the beginning of the year and reduce your expenses. Problems related to foot, gas, acidity, indigestion, cold and cough are likely to surface and cause physical discomfort.

Pisces (Meenam)

You will usher a fantastic year full of gain in all aspects because Saturn and Jupiter will be in the 11th house in your sign. Job offers will come and you are likely to get promoted in your current position. Romance is indicated and family life will remain good. Additional sources of income will come to you and your health will be favourable.

Dr T. Selva is the author of the bestseller book Vasthu Sastra Guide and the first disciple of seventh generation Vasthu Sastra Master Yuvaraj Sowma in Chennai. To get a copy of the book call Devi at 0412623017. He can be contacted at Facebook: Vasthu Sastra; Website:

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