Celebrating the holiday season safely during COVID-19

With the holiday season approaching it’s important to celebrate safely to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and keep your friends, family and community safe.

Attending a social gathering

If you are attending a social gathering or celebration,remember to stay 1.5 metres away from other people.Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or hand sanitiser.Avoid handshakes, hugs and kisses with people you don’t live with.

Bring your own food and drinks and avoid touching commonly used surfaces. Do not use shared items such asserving utensils. Bring your own disposable cutlery and throw it out after the gathering.

Hosting a celebration

If you are hosting a holiday celebration, check your local state or territory government advice onthe maximum number of people allowed to attend.Where possible, keep your guest list small and make sure you get contact details for all guests.

Avoid holding large gatherings in crowded indoor spaces. You can reduce the spread of COVID-19 by hosting your gathering outdoors, rather than indoors.

Encourage guests to bring their own food and drinks and avoid buffetsor sharing plates.  Have separate entry and exit points to help people keep their distance from others. Clean frequently touched surfaces regularly with disinfectant.

Planning for holiday events

Avoid large crowds at shopping centres by doing your holiday shopping early, online or using contactless pick up options.

If your family or friends are at risk or vulnerable, consider having a virtual celebration.Connect with friends and family over the phone or video.

If you haven’t already, download the COVIDSafe app. The app supports public health officials by speeding up the process of notifying people who have been in contact with someone with coronavirus.  

Avoid social gatherings if you are unwell

If you feel unwell, do not host or attend social gatherings. If you have cold or flu like symptoms, you should get tested for COVID-19.You must stay home and isolate until you get your results back, usually within 2 days.  

Testing is available for everyone in Australia, even if you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident. This includes people without a Medicare card, overseas visitors, international students, migrant workers and asylum seekers.

Your test results will not affect your visa status.

Travelling over the holiday season

If you are planning to travel interstate these holidays, be aware of the current travel restrictions for your destination. Do not travel if you are feeling unwell.

More information about COVID-19

It is important to stay informed through official sources. Visit health.gov.au or call the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080. For translating and interpreting service call 131 450.

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