2021 Vedic Astrology Predictions with remedies

॥ श्री गणेशाय नमः ॥

By Puja Shakti

Aries moon sign

People with the Aries moon sign may have already started to feel these changes, especially in their careers this 2021. Aries career 2021 horoscope suggests that many of you will notice a change in your personality on the professional front. It might be due to the compulsion of your circumstances, or you may choose to change your career path drastically.

Aries 2021 January : Aries January 2021 horoscope suggests some new changes in your career with the start of the New Year. You will get complete support for your luck and your father’s blessings in your professional growth. You will get a foreign opportunity. There will be a lot of competition in your workplace. You will use your skill sets for a better professional scope. According to the Aries 2021 horoscope, there could be some misunderstandings in personal relationships. Communication in business and personal relationships is the key to success.

Aries 2021 February : Aries February 2021 horoscope says that there will be an addition in responsibility. You will have to be more determined and focused on professional goals and aspirations. You will get a lot of support from your partner. Although the month will keep you busy with your work, expenses will also see a rise as new sources of income comes your way. There could be some initial hiccups and delays in the projects. However, stay strong and determined as these phases will teach you a great lesson. Aries natives may get a new job. You will also make a new love connection at work. Try to keep a healthy balance between your work and personal pursuits.

Aries 2021 March : Aries March 2021 horoscope suggests that you will share a bonding time with your lover. Romantic and passionate moments will bring Aries lovers close to their partner. There is a chance that you may travel abroad for work. Students with Aries native will gain achievements. Expenses will rise. Sudden benefits from ancestral wealth or property are quite indicative in your horoscope 2021. Take care of your health as your horoscope foresee health issues such as throat infection. Try to stay humble and do not get harsh with your partners both in the business and personal life.

Aries 2021 April : Aries April 2021 horoscope indicates that you will get rewards for your hard work towards your goals. You will reach a steady financial state and your personal life will also see stability. There is a possibility for love marriage for those in the relationship. Aries lovers will commit with their partner for a long term relationship. Short local trips will refresh your mood and spirit. More money will start coming your way. This is a good month to meet a new love companion. The birth of a child will be a source of great happiness in your family. You will get a great chance to invest in speculations. Consult a dermatologist if any skin-related health issues bother you this month.

Aries 2021 May : Aries May 2021 horoscope suggests that students with Aries signs appearing for competitive exams will get flying colors. The sudden gain earned this month will add to your savings. Your love partner will introduce you to his/her family. You may make some bold decisions in your career. The possibilities of a job transfer are also there. You will need to maintain good connections with in-laws for a harmonious relationship.

Aries 2021 June : Aries June 2021 horoscope states that you will find a lot of time for yourself to pursue your interests and hobbies. You will notice that your business is more stable than before. For those Aries natives who are thinking of settling down, June 2021 is an ideal month for you. Traveling is on your cards. As far as domestic life is concerned, you may undergo a challenging time. Aries natives may purchase land or spend money on home renovations. You will need to be careful about your health as your immunity drops this month.

Aries 2021 July : Aries July 2021 horoscope advises you to be careful about your health as work-related stress may take a toll on you. Physical exertion and mental stress, along with upper back injury, are highly likely in your July 2021 horoscope. Stay healthy and take a proper diet. Also, exercise regularly for a healthier and fitter lifestyle. New love relationships may bloom, and this month you will get to spend intimate moments with your love partner. Use your skill set intelligently on the professional front. Your spouse may help you in some key events of your career, and you will also be able to offer your help to your partner in their professional life.

Aries 2021 August : Aries August 2021 horoscope states that this month will be full of celebratory moments as there will be an addition to the family. You will also see gains this month, and it is a good time to invest it in shares. Aries natives will be able to make a good profit in the aspect of wealth and finance. Students with Aries sign will do well in their studies. Those in love and relationship will take the next step in their life. You will need to keep a check on the well-being of your spouse as they may suffer from health issues. There could be some minor misunderstanding with your partner, which is why you need to be cautious about your thoughts and actions.

Aries 2021 September : Aries September 2021 horoscope indicates that Aries natives will accomplish their goals in the competition. You will be able to overcome your enemies as they may try to tarnish your image. Health is still a matter of concern; hence – stay alert, and intake of a nutritious diet is essential. There are chances of a government job for those who applied for a job in the sector. Aries natives will share a strong relationship with their partner as love is in the air. Aries students may compete well. You will get new opportunities to grow your business.

Aries 2021 October : Aries October 2021 horoscope indicates that business/marital partnerships would demand your attention. As per your October horoscope predictions, a brief fall out is highly likely during this period of 2021. Try to be calm and humble during challenging situations. This time of the month is not so favorable for love matters too. Keep an open eye on the wants and needs of your relationships. Do not promise anything impractical either to a business partner or your spouse. Investments in business or marriage at present may not bear any fruits. This month will be a little difficult for you; however, it is essential Aries natives stay strong.

Aries 2021 November : Aries November 2021 horoscope advises you to hold your investments as this month doesn’t favor your luck. Any plans to invest or work on new projects should be put on hold. Sudden losses or expenditure in business may arise. However, Aries natives will see some improvements in their marital life. Sudden events in your professional and personal life may keep you occupied this month.

Aries 2021 December : Aries December 2021 horoscope suggests that you will rise in your career as you get a new direction towards working on your professional goals. Aries natives will find new opportunities to earn and save as well. Love will prevail between the Aries natives with their partners, especially during the Christmas season you will share a strong bond with each other. Your business will expand more and you will observe more stability in your life. There is a possibility that you may purchase a new vehicle. It will be overall a very happy ending for you in December 2021.

  • Avoid wearing dark colored clothes during this year.
  • Wearing golden earrings or chains will bring auspicious results.
  • Keep a silver coin either in your pocket or in your purse.
  • Avoid taking any kind of favors or money from anybody, either without a charge or for free.

Taurus moon sign

Taurus horoscope 2021 brings a mixed bag of fortunes and experiences for you this 2021. Many unprecedented events may take place in your life. Saturn is the ruling planet of the house of profession, and luck is creating a benefic combination for the native, showing a promise in the Taurus horoscope for the year 2021. You will find many sudden gains and opportunities in your career this year.

Taurus 2021 January: Taurus’s January 2021 horoscope indicates that you are ready for a job change or find a new love partner for those who are presently single. A long-pending transfer is quite possible as per your January 2021 horoscope. There would be sudden changes in professional responsibilities. Those in the job profession will gain. However, people with businesses will make average gains. Expenditure may rise high this month, which is why you will need to keep your finances in control. For those Taurus people seeking a love companion, a second marriage is possible. Pay attention to your health. Any health issues unknown to you may give stress you this month.

Taurus 2021 February : Taurus’s February 2021 horoscope shows that you will get recognition at work for your skills on the professional front. You will also get authority, and people who are expecting a promotion may hear good news. Expenses in business will rise; however, you will also earn additional income from overseas sources. Eat healthy food to maintain great immunity. You will share a harmonious bond with your love/life partner. Luck will favor Taurus lovers to meet more often than usual. The student with the Taurus sign will be successful in competitive exams. Sportspeople will also excel in their endeavors.

Taurus 2021 March : Taurus’s March 2021 horoscope suggests that there will be an expansion of business where you will either get new opportunities or growth in an existing business. Transfer in the job is also quite possible. Innovative ideas will stick to your mind. Stay careful in your partnerships. Relationships with business/life partner may become bitter as misunderstandings are quite possible. Stay cautious to avoid injury on the head, left eye, or foot.

Taurus 2021 April: Taurus’s April 2021 horoscope suggests that you will get profits from foreign either by traveling abroad or earn additional income from overseas sources. Professional visits abroad can be favorable for you this month. Business growth is quite evident. Financial investment or rise in expense will take place after mid-of April 2021. Brace yourself as there could be sudden career changes. Some minor compatible issues in your marriage may trigger tension in the first half of April 2021. However, you will notice a more romantic and passionate time with your love partner in the second half of April 2021. You will have sound health this month.

Taurus 2021 May: Taurus’s May 2021 horoscope suggests that there will be a lot of savings for you this month as this a good time for financial gains. You will have a strong immunity that will help you get away from any health issues. Taurus lovers will enjoy the warmth of love and intimacy with their partners. May 2021 horoscope says this will be one of the best times of the year for you.

Taurus 2021 June: Taurus June 2021 horoscope says that there will be a windfall of easy money for you this month as multiple sources of income coming your way. You will share a close bonding with your immediate family. People close to you will praise you for your speech and eloquence. You will impress others with your diplomatic abilities. Love and marriage may not be perfect but as per your horoscope 2021, there will be minute issues only.  It is essential to be transparent in your relationships.

Taurus 2021 July: Taurus’s July 2021 horoscope suggests that you will have the favor of luck in speculation, allowing you to invest money in the share market. Gains from some source will add to your savings this month. Taurus natives may also meet their lovers’ parents for a marriage proposal. Those who are single will get chances of meeting someone new. Opportunities for domestic travel are highly likely in your July horoscope 2021. Mother’s health can be a concern for the Taurus natives.

Taurus 2021 August: Taurus August 2021 horoscope indicates that lovers will enjoy a romantic time with their partner. For those planning to settle down, marriage for Taurus people is on the cards. Romance and intimacy will stay between the Taurus love partners. Married partners may undergo some mild conflicts. Try to keep your anger under control. You may work too hard in your profession; however, you will need to balance your work and domestic life. Those who are single may find their soulmates. Sudden plans to invest in house renovation or vehicle purchase are highly likely. Taurus natives residing abroad may plan a trip to their homeland.

Taurus 2021 September: Taurus September 2021 horoscope indicates that this is the best period to invest your money. The month blesses you with good luck. However, there will be an increase in your expenditure as well. You will need to keep a close check on your money for a stable financial month. Health issues may trouble you, which is why you will need to take care of your diet and exercise regularly. Get your cholesterol check-up done. Taurus natives will need to put a hold on any new projects. Intimacy and passion will keep you close with your partner. This month you will get multiple opportunities to be with your lover. However, there are chances that you may get into heated arguments with your partner.

Taurus 2021 October: Taurus October 2021 horoscope shows a difficult period both in your marriage and your career. You will need to give your time equally to both the important aspects of your life. You will also need to be careful about your spouse and your health as it will be a bit of concern this month. Taurus natives will need to be careful about their finances as expenditure related to medicine will be on the higher side.  There are some chances of misunderstanding with your business partner/spouse. Try to think calmly during adverse situations. Manage your money quite thoughtfully.

Taurus 2021 November: Taurus’s November 2021 horoscope points out that month may not be favorable for your marriage and business. You will need to stay strong. Keep good care of your health along with your partner’s wellbeing. There could be expenses that may go high and your income may lessen. It is essential that people born under Taurus become proactive in saving some money for rainy days. Try to keep your temper under control. Your stability of mind is quite crucial for making important decisions this month. Arguments with your partner are highly likely.

Taurus 2021 December: Taurus September 2021 horoscope says that you will get some respite from the challenges in your life. You will notice that the end of the year will see a better understanding with your partner. However, there are chances of trivial conflicts and aggressiveness that can be in control – if the native chooses to be wise and considerate in the relationship. Career opportunities may give more options in the job, as change is quite visible in your December 2021 horoscope.  Expenses will be high, and that would also give rise to new revenues.

  • Avoid tasting the food while preparing it. If possible, try and use Silver utensils.
  • Try and take a dip in the holy waters like ponds and rivers. Donate as per your devotion.
  • Avoid purchasing big machines or any big equipment during this year.
  • Help and take the blessings of the needy, handicapped and blind persons

Gemini moon sign

The annual Gemini horoscope 2021 indicates that due to your analytical and curious mindset, the coming year is going to be quite exciting for you. The year will offer you a lot of opportunities to get involved in analytical research and use your creative mind. The Gemini moon sign will see important outcomes in the year 2021 because of its hidden talents.

Gemini 2021 January: Gemini’s January 2021 horoscope shows some unforeseen events that will take place in your professional and personal life. Be careful about your thoughts and actions as your marriage may have a difficult period. Take proper care of your health. Do not take unnecessary risks in your career.

Gemini 2021 February: Gemini’s February 2021 horoscope suggests that you will come in contact with new love connections. For some of you, a new marriage is possible. However, the relationship with your partner could still be problematic. A sudden increase in expenses and unexpected losses may create an impact on the professional life.

Gemini 2021 March: Gemini’s March 2021 horoscope shows that you will get complete support from your father in terms of your profession. With your father by your side, you will notice little improvement on the professional front. Lovers and married partners may try to communicate and resolve the conflict in their relationship.

Gemini 2021 April: Gemini’s April 2021 horoscope indicates positive changes both at the professional and personal front. Things will change for the better, which you will notice yourself. You will get returns for your efforts that will strengthen your faith within yourself.

Gemini 2021 May: Gemini May 2021 horoscope indicates that you will get lucky from a foreign source. You will get more income from an overseas trip or resources. You will need to watch your health as the month predicts a weak health chart. Expenses will see a high rise this month. It is a good month in terms of love and romance.

Gemini 2021 June: Gemini’s June 2021 horoscope suggests overall progress in terms of your love, finance, career, and health this month. You will be able to grab good opportunities during this month. Your relationships will also improve.

Gemini 2021 July: Gemini’s July 2021 horoscope suggests this month will make you feel stable for the first time as things move in a smooth direction. You may plan a trip with your family or someone close to you. You will need to take care of your sibling as s/he may suffer from health issues. It is a good month to save money.

Gemini 2021 August: Gemini’s August 2021 horoscope foresees short travels that will bring you close to your love partner. The month also endows you with multiple income sources along with immense support from your siblings and friends. Love and romance will take the lead in your romantic marital life. You will need to keep a close eye on your mother’s health.

Gemini 2021 September: Gemini’s September 2021 horoscope predicts an unexpected change in your life this month. You will need to stay calm and keep a check on your temper. It could be possible that some events may not go according to your expectations. You must also hold your plans for investment or working on any new projects. You will need to be careful as your personal life may get affected unfavourably. This month, lovers may find some common grounds to create some memorable moments.

Gemini 2021 October: Gemini’s October 2021 horoscope suggests high expenditure in this month. There will be a lot of competition as well. It is why this is a time to keep working hard. Your enemies may plan some conspiracy against you. Gemini students, however, may gain in competition. Investment in house renovation could be expensive. This month you will put a lot of effort into all your endeavors, but it will yield no results. You will need to be strong. Career may see growth; however, there will be no returns.

Gemini 2021 November: Gemini’s November 2021 horoscope shows relief after a hectic October for you. You may get to start this month with some positive results. People with the Gemini sign will be able to win the competition. Your love life will be able to gain momentum. There are good chances of Gemini natives getting married towards the end of the month.

Gemini 2021 December: Gemini December 2021 horoscope indicates a satisfying end of the year, for you. Gemini single people may find their soul mate this month. Those who are looking forward to settling down may tie marital knots in December 2021. Your finances will improve, and a lot of new opportunities in job and business will come your way. The year 2021 will end on a good note for the Gemini natives.

  • Do not use or buy any kind of leather products this year.
  • Serve the needy persons with water, cold drinks, milk especially during the summers.
  • Gifts to females of the family like sister, maternal or paternal aunts will provide you with auspicious results.

Cancer moon sign

Cancer horoscope 2021 suggests that your moon sign will see the impact of 2021 in the essential areas of your life. You will see substantial developments in your marriage, partnership, and notice an evident change in your public image or personality.

Cancer 2021 January: Cancer’s January 2021 horoscope indicates that you will have command in your hand from the beginning of the year. You will have a stronghold in your profession this month. Authority will come to you quite naturally. You will be able to start a new venture. Although expenses will be high, yet foreign sources will help you extensively. You will need to take care of your health. Gemini’s marital relationship will also need their attention.

Cancer 2021 February: Cancer’s February 2021 horoscope shows a robust business front this month. You will have a strong career even though a lot of competition will test your perseverance. You will invest your savings in the business. Your relationship will improve with your marital partner. Sudden events will keep you mentally occupied in your professional life. Health will need a lot of attention this month.

Cancer 2021 March: Cancer’s March 2021 horoscope shows a good inflow of money that will help you both in saving and investment. You will be endowed with a lot of confidence. You will need to stay clear from gossip and controversies. Maintain good communication with your lover or married partner. Be careful about your health.

Cancer 2021 April: Cancer’s April 2021 horoscope shows that you will be in good health conditions. If under any circumstance you are sick, you will recover speedily. Foreign references will increase your income, however, expenses and losses in other sectors are possible. Sudden events may destabilize your professional life. Cancer’s lover may go abroad.

Cancer 2021 May: Cancer’s May 2021 horoscope suggests that as your income rises you will gain a lot as well. You will also receive a lot of support and help from your friends and siblings. You will share a romantic and passionate love relationship with your partner. There are chances that you will travel for work this month. You will also stay healthy blessing you with an overall positive month.

Cancer 2021 June: Cancer’s June 2021 horoscope suggests that you will meet your soulmate this month if you are searching for a love companion. There are also chances of wedding bells for those thinking about settling down. You will need to stay careful about investments as you may incur financial losses. You may go abroad with your family. Those expecting a promotion will hear good news.

Cancer 2021 July: Cancer’s July horoscope 2021 indicates a cordial relationship where you will have to share good communication with your partner both in the professional and personal life. Your business will grow but will bring more expenditures. You will splurge money on yourself. The chances of a new relationship are highly likely.

Cancer 2021 August: Cancer’s August 2021 horoscope indicates that your savings will increase giving you a chance to invest in your gains. You will be most likely to buy gems and jewels. You will be able to bond with your family during a get-together. You may also introduce your love partner to the family.

Cancer 2021 September: Cancer’s September 2021 horoscope suggests that romance is in the air giving you ample opportunities to share intimate moments with your love partner. Your sense of understanding each other will improve. There will be a competition in your workplace. Some sudden changes will take place in your career that may give a rise to instability in your life.

Cancer 2021 October: Cancer’s October 2021 horoscope indicates that there will be sudden gains from your love partner. You will also share intimate moments with your love companion. This month you will also see growth in your profession. Your health will be an issue, hence, keep a close watch on your well-being.

Cancer 2021 November: Cancer’s November 2021 horoscope predicts nuptial knots for you this month. Your business sense will be quite strong bringing you close to a lot of career-flourishing opportunities. You will need to take care of your health or someone close to your family.

Cancer 2021 December: Cancer’s December 2021 horoscope shows that you will share a great understanding with your partner. You will have a lot of competition in your career, and this is why you will need to be determined towards your goal. Sudden changes in your workplace are also quite possible.

  • Offer your heartfelt respect to elders, mentors and teachers and take blessings from them, before starting any important task.
  • Mix some turmeric or saffron in milk and drink it daily before bedtime.
  • Apply sandalwood paste on your forehead or navel daily.

Leo moon sign

The Leo horoscope 2021 suggests that Leo natives will do charismatically well in their professional life. Leo students and children will also show their mental abilities to conquer the desired place in exams. Leo lovers, on the other hand, will prove to be loyal and may tie the knot in the year 2021. However, all is not so easy for the lion sign in this year.

Leo 2021 January: As per Leo’s January 2021 horoscope, there is a sudden rise in your career. You will achieve accomplishment in the competition. However, your health may suffer this month. For those who are thinking about settling down, wedding bells are indicative as per January 2021 horoscope predictions. Singles may find a new partner. The health of the spouse could get affected this month.

Leo 2021 February: As per Leo February horoscope 2021, you will share intimate and romantic moments with your love partner. Spouse health may need attention. Finance this month will be better. There will be a rise in your status, and promotion is also on the cards on the professional front.

Leo 2021 March: Leo March 2021 horoscope shows an unexpected job change. You will get a new job offer. There could be a hike in your salary. Be cautious while driving. The latter part of the month may get difficult for you. Try to balance your work and home life.

Leo 2021 April: As per the Leo April 2021 horoscope, luck will favour the desired transfer in the job. New avenues will open for you in politics and the professional front. You will need to be careful as marital life may undergo some tension this month.

Leo 2021 May: Leo May 2021 horoscope indicates some improvement in your health as your immunity will get better. The horoscope shows good health for the Leo signs. There will be a rise in power and authority. Relationships can be a concern for you this month.

Leo 2021 June: Leo’s 2021 June horoscope shows that love will bloom in your romantic life. You will share strong and intense feelings with your love partner. You will also receive gains and support from your friends and siblings. A trip to foreign is possible in your horoscope. You may undergo severe tension with your life partner.

Leo 2021 July: Leo’s horoscope 2021 for July suggests you stay alert as losses or high expenses are expected. Work-related travel will keep you busy this month. Sensual relationships with partners may progress. A wedding is also possible. Singles may find a new partner this month.

Leo 2021 August: Leo horoscope 2021 for August suggest that your finance will improve. You will be able to make more money and save better. However, expenses will also rise at the beginning of the month. You will get more business opportunities in the favour of your luck. You will need to maintain a steady relationship.

Leo 2021 September: As per the Leo September 2021 horoscope, your savings will increase. You will get more and better chances to make money and add to your wealth. There will be some expenses in the family. Leo horoscope 2021 shows a period of instability at work. Keep taking care of diet and exercise. There will be some short trips this month.

Leo 2021 October: As per the Leo October horoscope 2021, there is a positive increment in your wealth. Leo sign people will observe more money during this month of 2021. Do not indulge in eating outside. You may purchase gems and jewelry if you are planning so. There will be some expenditure related to your sibling.

Leo 2021 November: Leo’s November horoscope 2021 suggests that you will make a new love connection. Single Leo signs may find love partners. There will be positive changes on your work front this month. Traveling plans will change the mood of the Leo signs in November 2021.

Leo 2021 December: According to the Leo December 2021 horoscope, you will need to maintain a cordial and harmonious relationship with your loving partner. There will be steady growth in your career. This month you will observe that you are intimately close with your lover.

  • Respect the elders at home and take their blessings.
  • Visit the nearby Temple and light a desi ghee diya/lamp in front of the deities daily.
  • Feed the Black dogs around you with milk on a daily basis.

Virgo moon sign

Virgo horoscope 2021 indicates that Virgos are highly intelligent, systematic, and practical signs who will see opportunities coming their way on many fronts this 2021. The very beginning of the year 2021 will prove favorable to Virgo natives in terms of their career, finance, love matters, and education.

Virgo 2021 January: As per Virgo January 2021, there are indications of some expenses at home décor. You may spend money either on the renovation of your home or the purchase of a vehicle. You may start interacting with a new love interest. It will be a good month in terms of your health.

Virgo 2021 February: As per Virgo February horoscope 2021, you will get time to upgrade your skills for professional or educational pursuits. Virgo horoscope 2021 suggests that love will bloom for you. You will spend money on your love partner. You may receive new job prospects. Virgo horoscope 2021 also indicates the possibility of a marriage or childbirth.

Virgo 2021 March: As per the Virgo March horoscope 2021, there could be gains in the business. You will get plenty of investment opportunities. Promotion for the Virgo signs is highly likely. You will share a cordial relationship with your loved ones. There could be some rise in expenditure. You will need to be careful as your health can be fragile this month.

Virgo 2021 April: As per Virgo April horoscope 2021, your relationships may suffer. The horoscope 2021 shows that partnerships in business and marriage may not be harmonious. The Virgo signs need to try to stay humble. Sudden losses are also quite possible.

Virgo 2021 May: As per the Virgo May horoscope 2021, you will get the favor of luck in your professional front giving you a prosperous rise. Virgo horoscope 2021 also indicates a sudden but positive windfall of money. There is a transfer on the card. The health of your spouse would need a close check.

Virgo 2021 June: As per Virgo June horoscope 2021, you will get your father’s support in your career or professional endeavors. June horoscope 2021 indicates higher expenditure. Virgo signs may also tour overseas for work commitments. Virgo horoscope 2021 shows a sudden rise in income due to some events. There is a possibility that you may develop a love relationship in your workplace.

Virgo 2021 July: As per the Virgo July horoscope 2021, there will be some planning in your profession. You may form new ideas or strategies for your work. July horoscope 2021 suggests an extra income from your career. However, there could be some expenses at the end of the month.

Virgo 2021 August: As per Virgo August horoscope 2021, there will be a rise in the medical bill. It is why Virgos will need to pay close attention to their health. Virgo horoscope 2021 may have to spend money due to sickness/poor health. Your horoscope 2021 suggests the possibility of a foreign trip.

Virgo 2021 September: As per the Virgo September horoscope 2021, there is a substantial rise in your expenses. These expenses could be as an investment in the business or on your lover/married partner. September horoscope 2021 suggests family gatherings. Virgo people may not share a cordial relationship with their life partner.  Virgo September horoscope 2021 also indicates competition at work. Students with Virgo sign may travel abroad.

Virgo 2021 October: As per the Virgo October horoscope 2021, you will get the support of your siblings. Your neighbors may also help you in some matters. Virgo horoscope 2021 suggests there could be some family trips. Virgo signs may receive marriage proposals. October horoscope 2021 indicates the birth of a child for the Virgo natives who are trying to grow their family. Transfer in the job is also highly indicative in your horoscope 2021.

Virgo 2021 November:  Virgo November horoscope 2021 indicates that you will spend money on the purchase of a home or vehicle. The Virgo horoscope 2021 suggests that you may also invest your money in real estate. November horoscope 2021 also shows that the family may visit you to celebrate some auspicious occasion. You may gain social status as per Virgo horoscope 2021. You will also share a good and healthy relationship.

Virgo 2021 December: As per the Virgo December horoscope 2021, you will be blessed with a fortune in the aspect of speculations. Virgo moon sign can invest their money in shares or other speculative alternatives. Virgo signs will get the favor of luck by their side. There are some indications of more investment or expenditure in the remodeling of your home. Any overseas family member may visit the Virgo signs as indicative in the monthly horoscope 2021. December horoscope 2021 suggests that there are some chances of misunderstanding with your partner. People who are not in a relationship may connect with someone for a new alliance.

  • Place a gold coin in your temple.
  • Refrain from overtrusting anybody. Be careful before sharing your secrets with anybody.

Libra moon sign

Libra horoscope 2021 suggests that the year is full of achievements with dedication and discipline. Marital happiness will prevail most of the time, except for a brief period of March 2021 to May 2021 when all kinds of partnerships would need your attention during the period.

Libra 2021 January: Libra January 2021 horoscope shows there would be a lot of professional competition. You will need to work hard to be able to overcome the challenges of the competition. People trying their luck in the government sector may hear good news. Money flow is highly indicative this month. You will share great sensual chemistry with your love partner.

Libra 2021 February: Libra’s February 2021 horoscope shows there could be some changes in your career. You may get new work responsibilities. It is a good month for investment in the stock market. You may also meet someone that will turn into a love relationship.

Libra 2021 March: Libra March 2021 horoscope suggests that you will need to maintain your relationship. Heated arguments may trigger conflicts in a personal and professional partnership. Do not take the risk in investment this month.

Libra 2021 April: Libra April 2021 horoscope suggests you stay careful. The month predicts accidental episodes during sports activity or while riding a bike. Although April 2021 offers you moments to invest in the future, it will also increase your expenditure this month. There could be some misunderstandings in partnerships. Students with a Libra sign may accomplish their goals this month.

Libra 2021 May: Libra May horoscope 2021 indicates you may undergo a disturbing phase of mind. A lot of sudden events in professional and personal life may trigger mood swings. There will be a bit of luck in the business opportunity. You will have to invest in the new business. However, the investment could be on the higher side.

Libra 2021 June: Libra June 2021 horoscope shows there will be some major changes in your life this month as luck favors you. You will also get better opportunities as well as accomplish your business or professional goals. There are chances that you may get married to your beloved lover. The month also offers you a lot of passionate moments with your loving partner.

Libra 2021 July: Libra July 2021 horoscope predicts that you beam in high confidence. Promotion, recognition, and appreciation at your workplace are highly indicative in your horoscope. Libra people may also get a chance to tie their knots this month.

Libra 2021 August: Libra August 2021 horoscope indicates that you will get a lot of opportunities to save. The increased flow of money will give you ample excuses for investment in shares as well. However, the month also predicts high expenditure along with foreign travel and health issues.

Libra 2021 September: Libra September 2021 horoscope indicates frequent foreign trips. Due to the trips, your expenditure will also increase. You will share passionate and intimate moments with your partner. However, be careful about your communication as minor arguments with your spouse can trigger difference.

Libra 2021 October: Libra October 2021 horoscope shows a family get-together will keep you busy for an auspicious ceremony. You may purchase gems and jewelry this month. You will be able to save quite a lot this month as new income prospects from abroad blesses you this month.

Libra 2021 November: Libra November 2021 horoscope suggests marital ties for the single Libra natives. There is a growth in the business as per your horoscope predictions. You will share a romantic time with your lover at home. You may also go out for local traveling.

Libra 2021 December: Libra December 2021 horoscope shows that your partner may get a job. Your horoscope also predicts a high social status with a growth in the professional front for your partner. You may spend your money on the needs and well-being of your sibling. You will be motivated towards the well-being of your domestic life and family. A sudden job change is also quite indicative in your Libra horoscope 2021.

  • If possible, try and avoid using mustard oil for your hair.
  • For getting auspicious results in your married life, try and press aniseeds in the mud.
  • Do not indulge in any arguments or fights as it may be harmful for your image.

Scorpio moon sign

The Scorpio is a sign of passion, strength, boldness, friendship, stubbornness, jealousy, and secretive tendencies. According to the Scorpio horoscope for 2021, the year will be great in terms of growth.

Scorpio 2021 January: Scorpio’s January horoscope 2021 indicates travel and marriage this year.  The year 2021 will start with ample travel opportunities both for work and fun. Nuptial knots are on the cards for the single people with Scorpio moon sign. A new source of income may also begin as per the Scorpio horoscope 2021.

Scorpio 2021 February: As per Scorpio February horoscope 2021, there will be a get together with your siblings. You and your siblings may meet and spend quality time together. You may win any legal case related to finance. Scorpio horoscope 2021 also indicates that there are great chances for wedding bells.

Scorpio 2021 March: Scorpio horoscope 2021 for March suggest that the native will need to be patient. You will support your partner, and s/he will receive gains from you as well. The Scorpio horoscope 2021 indicates a difficult period for marriage. There could be some aggressive arguments between the couple. Sudden changes in your career are highly indicative as per March horoscope 2021.

Scorpio 2021 April: As per the Scorpio April 2021 horoscope, you will need to be careful about your finances as tax liabilities may increase. You will also need to keep a close eye on your health this month. Scorpio April horoscope 2021 also indicates a period of instability in the business. Working professionals will get recognition for their skills in the latter part of the month. Your partner’s health will suffer. You will need to take care of your spouse’s overall well-being.

Scorpio 2021 May: Scorpio May horoscope 2021 suggests you stay transparent. Secret affairs may get exposed, which might be the reason for the conflict in your marriage. You will also need to be careful about your finances as expenses will rise. Salaried Scorpio people may get a hike in their income. However, for business, you may have to devote more time.

Scorpio 2021 June: As per Scorpio June horoscope 2021, you will need to put equal efforts into the upkeep of your personal and business front. Pay close attention to your health this month. Scorpio horoscope 2021 indicates that more investments will be required in the business. It will be a stable environment at work for Scorpio employees. You may continue with a secret intimate relationship. There could be some misunderstandings in the marriage.

Scorpio 2021 July: Scorpio July horoscope 2021 suggests that working professionals will gain more contracts. There will be a good inflow of money and gains that may add to your savings. Scorpio natives may also get the desired transfer. There is a possibility of a second marriage. This month will be fruitful for you as you will share a better understanding of your marital partner.

Scorpio 2021 August: Scorpio’s August 2021 horoscope indicates a happier time. This month blesses you with a favorable period for self-employed Scorpio natives. Working professionals with Scorpio signs will get gains from their spouses. Monetary gains are visible in your August 2021 horoscope. You may get recognition and promotion in your workplace. There are also some chances to get married.

Scorpio 2021 September: The Scorpio September horoscope 2021 indicates that you will need to be careful about your father’s health. You will feel more stable in your career. Scorpio lovers will see passion and intimacy in their relationship. However, there can be occasional arguments in your marriage. Sudden losses and expenses may be on the higher side when it comes to the business front.

Scorpio 2021 October: According to the Scorpio October 2021 horoscope, you will get income from abroad. As in someone from overseas will support the operations of your business intentions. However, people in a job will need to be a little more careful. This month blesses you with the positive energy for marriage, gains, and income from abroad, and foreign travel. October 2021 horoscope indicates a passionate time for Scorpio natives with their partners.

Scorpio 2021 November: As per Scorpio November 2021 horoscope, you will be motivated towards your career aspirations. You will try to manage your time well and deadlines. Scorpion natives will be a bit disturbed because of the health issue. Those thinking about settling down, this month will bless you with a well-to-do period for marriage. The month of November shows there will be quite a few expenditures.

Scorpio 2021 December: According to the Scorpio December 2021 horoscope, there are some indications of travel-related expenses. These travel expenditures could be due to work or a leisure trip with your partner. Although you will receive more money this month. However, health will be a bit of a concern in December 2021.

  • Feed the needy and poor people with Rice and Milk.
  • Start taking responsibility for your own actions.
  • Wearing a Silver chain on your neck or Silver bracelet on your hand during this time as this will bring auspicious results.

Sagittarius moon sign

The Sagittarius 2021 horoscope also predicts that this will be a rare year filled with thrill and optimism. 2021 will start off as a year where the Sagittarius will have an impactful ascend in terms of savings and wealth creation. Everything related to their family’s happiness will fall into place.

Sagittarius 2021 January: Sagittarius’s January 2021 horoscope reveals that you will be bestowed with a strong personality. You will beam with confidence, and nobody will be able to beat your determination. This month you will observe a steadiness in terms of status and finances. You will experience a romantic period this month. Keep watch on your health. Those who are single will find themselves meeting their life partner.

Sagittarius 2021 February: Sagittarius’ February 2021 horoscope predicts that you will stand out as a winner. You will be able to win over your enemies or any competitions. Those undergoing legal battles are likely to win the case and gain financially. A family get-together is possible; however, you will need to take care of your parent’s health.

Sagittarius 2021 March: Sagittarius’ March 2021 horoscope shows this month will be all about living a king’s life. You will spend your money luxuriously on purchasing a vehicle or home renovations. You will also travel overseas. Sagittarius lovers will spend more cozy time with their love partners. You will get the complete support of your siblings. Students with the Sagittarius sign will succeed in competitions.

Sagittarius 2021 April: Sagittarius’s May June 2021 horoscope indicates that you will get new business opportunities to start a venture. You may find it challenging to manage high investments. Try to be more considerate towards your relationship as marital life may suffer momentarily. You may spend money to upgrade your skills or pursue further education. Those who are single may get a chance to tie their knots this month.

Sagittarius 2021 May: Sagittarius’s May June 2021 horoscope predicts conflicts with your love/life partner. You will need to stay humble and take extra care of your communication skills with your life or business partner.  Aggressiveness may ruin your plans. Take good care of your diet and exercise regularly as your health may suffer if ignored. Sagittarius natives may also meet a new love partner this month for a love relationship.

Sagittarius 2021 June : Sagittarius’s June 2021 horoscope suggests you focus your energy on your life partner. As the month prediction foresees a time of distress where heated arguments will lead to misunderstanding with your spouse. Also, keep a careful watch on the health of your spouse as s/he may suffer from health issues. Those undergoing legal battles related to business will see profit coming on their way.

Sagittarius 2021 July: Sagittarius’s July 2021 horoscope shows sudden events in your marital life and the business front will keep you extremely engaged. You may notice these unprecedented events, particularly in the second half of the month that will not be in your favor.  You will need to stay positive and determined. Try not taking any major decisions during this period of the month. Amidst all of these events, the month will begin on a productive note.

Sagittarius 2021 August: Sagittarius’s August 2021 horoscope indicates a prosperous month for you. Those who were undergoing a setback in their life in the last two months will see substantial changes this month. You will see a rise in your luck, profession, love, and health in August 2021.  The money will come to you quite easily. Promotions and desired transfers are also possible this month.

Sagittarius 2021 September: Sagittarius’s September 2021 horoscope suggests you use your time for your best interests. You will have the favor of luck on your side. Sagittarius people interested in growing their business or paying back their loans will gain prosperity from their lovers/spouses.

Sagittarius 2021 October: Sagittarius’s October 2021 horoscope shows foreign connections. You will connect with overseas clients about your career and profession. It is also possible that you will make additional income and investments from a foreign source. Do proper analytical research before any investment. Sagittarius lovers will share a romantic and intimate relationship with their partners.

 Sagittarius 2021 November: Sagittarius’s November 2021 horoscope reveals there will be high expenditure this month. You must keep track of your investments. Your horoscope also states that you may take a chance by investing in risky projects. You may meet a new love partner; however, there might be a little misunderstanding between the two of you.

Sagittarius 2021 December: Sagittarius’s December 2021 horoscope indicates overseas education for those who aspire to apply for a study visa will succeed.  A business-related or pleasant trip with a partner is also possible this month. However, keep a steady hand on your finances, as your horoscope foresees high expenditure.

  • Keep a bowl full of grains and food for the birds on a daily basis.
  • Do not indulge in anything that is in violation of the law or against the government.

Capricorn moon sign

2021 will be a year where the Capricorn native should focus on travel, hobbies, arts, and crafts. There are chances that a new business may emerge with the help of their siblings. Their love partnership will also be of key importance to them in 2021. Your public image, promotion, and professional status will also change in the year.

Capricorn 2021 January: Capricorn’s January 2021 horoscope indicates that there will be a new initiative from your side, such as starting a new venture. There will be some competition, along with high investment. Be careful about your health this month. You may travel abroad. You will get a lot of romantic time to spend with your lover, though chances of misunderstandings are also seen in the horoscope. Be careful about your thoughts and actions.

Capricorn 2021 February: Capricorn’s February 2021 horoscope predicts some celebratory moments this month. You will get a name and recognition for your hard work and initiative on the professional front. Those expecting a promotion will hear positive news. Gains will also come your way, and your relationship will also improve. However, do not ignore the needs and requirements of your health issues.

Capricorn 2021 March: Capricorn’s March 2021 horoscope indicates romance in the air where you could take a fun trip with your love partner. Those planning a child may hear some good news, or the birth of a child in the family is also possible. Beware about your finances, as there will be some education-related expenditure. Keep a check on your father’s health. This month also offers you multiple sources of income.

Capricorn 2021 April: Capricorn’s April 2021 horoscope suggests that there will be stiff competition in terms of handling legal issues. Professional rivalries and disputes may create hindrances in the domestic front. Capricorn’s love partner may have to stay away from you for a while. There would be sudden changes in professional life, with some challenges in the overall growth.

Capricorn 2021 May: Capricorn’s May 2021 horoscope indicates a rise in gains and expenditure this month. However, the increase in your revenue will also give you a spectacular opportunity to invest more. You may have romantic dates with your love partner. At the same time, you will have a confused state of mind. It is why you will need to be careful about your actions.

Capricorn 2021 June: Capricorn’s June 2021 horoscope indicates growth in this month. You will gain in the business that will give you a rise in social status. While the monthly horoscope 2021 points out steady growth, in your professional life, on the other hand, your marital life may suffer.

Capricorn 2021 July: Capricorn’s July 2021 horoscope states that you will have robust health this month. Those suffering from chronic illness will make a speedy recovery. There could be some sudden changes in your professional life where a brand-new project or you will join a new job.  You will put a lot of effort to do well in your career. Amidst all, you will need to be careful about your actions as the monthly horoscope foresees problems in your marital life.

Capricorn 2021 August: Capricorn’s August 2021 horoscope suggests you avoid major investments or taking any decisions as the month is not favorable for you. You will need to hold your pace as sudden events may create obstructions in essential aspects of your life.

Capricorn 2021 September: Capricorn’s September 2021 horoscope suggests that you will have a positive month in terms of your personal and professional life. You will get name and recognition along with promotion this month. Those seeking a change in their profession may get a transfer to the desired place.  You will observe an increase in the revenues of your investment. Those who are single may start to look for a life companion.

Capricorn 2021 October: Capricorn’s October 2021 horoscope states that there will be new developments in your relationship. You will see positive changes in your life, both in professional and personal contacts. Your friends will cooperate with you.  However, your in-laws may interfere in the matters of your professional life. You will obtain gains from your profession.

Capricorn 2021 November: Capricorn’s November 2021 horoscope predicts gains from a foreign source. You will get additional income from abroad, and overseas business will also flourish. Luck will favor you this month. However, sibling’s health may suffer, you will have to pay attention to their well-being. November 2021 will see a rise in expenditure in terms of love and relationship.

Capricorn 2021 December: Capricorn’s December 2021 horoscope reveals that you will end the year 2021 on an excellent note. You will be blessed with more money, investments, and gains this month. In the aspect of love, you will see more affection and fondness towards your partner. December 2021 will also bestow you with a lot of opportunities for travel. Some of you are likely to get married and at the same time, married Capricornian may plan on having kids.

  • If and when possible, use less salt in your food.
  • Wear an Iron bracelet or ring on your right hand.
  • Avoid wearing dark or black colored clothes.

Aquarius moon sign

Aquarius horoscope 2021 indicates that the year will be a mixed bag of fortune for you in 2021. Aquarians are intellectual, action-oriented, sincere, analytical, non – compromising, perfectionist, and global thinker in nature. On the one hand, you may get to change your job for the better, and your hard work may be appreciated. Your finances may not increase your expectations.

Aquarius 2021 January: As per the Aquarius January horoscope 2021, you will need to keep a controlled check on your expenses. The start of the year may trigger higher expenditure. It is why you will need to carefully invest your money, as there is a chance you may incur losses. A married partner may bring you luck and gains, as seen in your horoscope. Aquarius signs who are single may meet someone with a matching wavelength. A romantic trip with your love partner is also quite possible this month.

Aquarius 2021 February: Aquarius February 2021 horoscope shows that you will be lucky in terms of any matter related to foreign. Those planning to settle abroad can try their luck this month. You will share intimate moments with your lover. According to the Aquarius horoscope 2021, you will get a status to rise through your spouse.

Aquarius 2021 March: Aquarius March horoscope 2021 indicates that you will get a lot of support from your family. You will get financial and emotional support in need of the hour from the family and friends. Your career will also see a good rise professionally. However, there could be some misunderstandings between the partners.

Aquarius 2021 April: Aquarius April horoscope 2021 suggests a new marital alliance. This month you will meet new prospects for your marriage. Married couples may undergo some misunderstanding. Aquarius signs will gain through speculations. As per April horoscope 2021, there could be some domestic disturbance.

Aquarius 2021 May: Aquarius May horoscope 2021 suggests you use your skills. The use of your skills will help you to get recognition in your career. Luck will also favor you in your professional goals. However, the growth in your profession could be quite uncertain. Though, the Aquarius sign can expect sudden gains at work this month.

Aquarius 2021 June: Aquarius June horoscope 2021 indicates that you are beaming with a fighting spirit. You will have to fight for competition in your career. You will stay strong and successfully be able to win over your enemy. However, while battling through the month, your professional goals and aspiration will also suffer.

Aquarius 2021 July: Aquarius July horoscope 2021 indicates the beginning of a new relationship that may change its status to marriage this month. You and your spouse must take health precautions. Self-employed Aquarius signs may incur some losses this month.

 Aquarius August 2021: Horoscope indicates an abundance in your chart. You will be able to fulfill your desire this month. Promotion, social status, marriage, and money will see major changes this month. There could be some conflicts with your partner. Remain calm when you have differences and refrain from getting into heated arguments.

Aquarius 2021 September: Aquarius September horoscope 2021 suggests that you will find yourself within a lot of sudden events. Things will change quite quickly in your life this month. You may get lucky in a business-related to foreign. Overseas gains or accumulations from an ancestral property are highly indicative in your September 2021 horoscope. Be careful about your thoughts and actions as your relationship may suffer this month. Sudden expenses in your business could trigger financial imbalance.

Aquarius 2021 October: Aquarius October horoscope 2021 advises you to focus on your relationships as your business partnership and the marital relationship may suffer this month. Your health could also become a matter of concern this month. October horoscope 2021 indicates that a desired transfer in the job and new responsibility will most likely come your way.

Aquarius 2021 November: Aquarius November horoscope 2021 suggests that you may take some bold and risk-taking steps in your profession. There is a change of place as per your November 2021 horoscope. Aquarius’s marital conditions will also improve.

Aquarius 2021 December: Aquarius December 2021 horoscope indicates a strong recovery in this month. Aquarius signs will be able to restart their working plans or projects that they had quit earlier. Money and power, along with authority and success, are highly indicative in your December 2021 horoscope on the professional front. Foreign travel for work or pleasure is also foreseen in your horoscope. You will share a passionate relationship with your love partner this month.

  • Use only Copper or Silver vessels for eating during this year to get beneficial results.
  • Refrain the usage of alcohol and meat.
  • Cleaning work for temples and other spiritual places will bring auspicious results.

Pisces moon sign

Pisces horoscope 2021, the empathetic, overly-emotional, creative Pisces will witness the results of the hard work they did earlier. This year will pay back to them in many ways. Your horoscope 2021 foresees a lot of gains in terms of rewards and achievements on the professional and financial front. The marriage horoscope 2021 for Pisces predicts a happy and long-lasting love life and a stable marriage.

Pisces 2021 January: Pisces January 2021 horoscope starts on a fantastic Note. You will gain extensively at the beginning of the year. Your career will bestow you with good income and benefits. Single Pisces people may meet new love connections. Lovers may tie nuptial knots. Friends and family will support you incredibly in your endeavors. This month with the help of flourishing income, you will be able to save money.

Pisces 2021 February: Pisces February 2021 horoscope shows that you will travel a lot this month. You may spend your time majorly on traveling for work purposes or take leisure trips with your partner. Newly wedded Pisces native will go out for a honeymoon with their spouse. Those interested may invest their money in speculations.

Pisces 2021 March: Pisces March 2021 horoscope suggests that you must monitor your health. Be careful as your well-being is a bit of a concern this month.  Kindly do not ignore any minor symptoms of ill health. You will struggle to keep a good relationship with your partners. There is a high-risk in investments. Income and expenses will go hand in hand this month.

Pisces 2021 April: Pisces April 2021 horoscope indicates debts this month. You will need to be careful while applying for loans. Expenses will rise either on medical bills or on the renovation of the house. You may purchase a new vehicle. Foreign settlement for you is also possible this month. The initial part of the month may seem to be difficult for marriage and partnership.

Pisces 2021 May: Pisces 2021 May horoscope indicates sudden travel. You may suddenly plan a pilgrimage trip with your family and siblings this month. There could be a conflict with the spouse. You must try to communicate more often. The mother’s health could be a concern this month.

Pisces 2021 June: Pisces June 2021 horoscope indicates that you will need to be careful while saving and spending luxuriously. This month you may purchase a vehicle or spend money on home decor. Your horoscope shows a rise in your income. You may leave your homeland for traveling purposes.

Pisces 2021 July: Pisces July horoscope 2021 shows that you are a fighter this month. There will be a lot of competition around you on the education, career, or business front. However, the fighting spirit in you will help you overcome your challenges. There will be significant growth in your professional front as well this month.

Pisces 2021 August: Pisces August horoscope 2021 predicts high expenditure this month. Business and marriage partnerships may also suffer in August 2021. There could be some losses in business. Salaried Pisces employees will notice growth in their income. However, you need to keep a close eye on your partner’s health.

Pisces 2021 September: Pisces September horoscope 2021 shows that you will get the favor of luck on your side. Your stars will help in growing your business or getting a promotion in the job. Single Pisces people may settle down in their life. Your health may fluctuate this month. A hike in the salary and rise in the status is highly indicative this month. Minor misunderstanding between partners could trigger heated arguments. Be careful with thoughts and actions with your love partner.

Pisces 2021 October: Pisces October 2021 horoscope shows steady growth in your life this month. Those who are self-employed will find professional success and social status. Although there is strong competition, you will, however, need to stay focussed. Your hard work will eventually yield good results.

Pisces 2021 November: Pisces November 2021 horoscope shows that your savings and income will rise this month. There will be an increased money flow for the Pisces signs. However, sudden changes may make you work even harder in your job. Pisces will need to be careful as your relationships may have some differences.

Pisces 2021 December: Pisces December 2021 horoscope indicates that you will travel for work this month. There is fierce competition in the profession that will require you to invest more in your business. You may also have to travel frequently to manage your contacts. Business-related to foreign may prosper. You may meet someone new this month.

  • Throw the coin in the running water.
  • Help the needy and older people.
  • Help the poor and labor class people as per your potential

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