Planets and You – December’ 2020

Want to know what’s instore for you this month? Read on..

Aries : The professional front will remain prosperous as many golden opportunities will be made available to climb the ladder of success. However, you are advised to respect your senior officials and abide by the rules and regulations set by them. People who are associated with a business will obtain good returns. Adhering to the partnership will prove to be fruitful for you.Family life will be satisfying. You will get to spend some quality time with the members of your household. A vacation may also be around the corner.As far as your love relationship is concerned, the month of December will prove to be quite rewarding. Differences crippling your married life will come to an end soon. You are also advised to take good care of your health during this time as careless will only be the cause of medical problems.

Taurus : At the workplace, you may feel that you are taken seriously and importance is being given to your words. If you have any intuition that your colleagues are planning and plotting against you, then it is possibly true. They may make unending efforts to rupture your image prevalent in the office or workplace.Business natives of this house will be granted success, those who wish to expand their business should go ahead and make the necessary preparations for it.Family life may come across some difficulties. Life partner may keep fighting with you for certain reasons. As a result, your mental state will remain chaotic. Rather than firing back at him/her, you are advised to remain quiet.As far as the health is concerned, this month may be full of challenges. You may encounter some small health problems. 

Gemini :  In terms of professional life, it can be said that challenges will occur. There are also chances of coming across difficulties in getting tasks done. However, if you keep up with your hard work, success will be yours at the end. Natives who are associated with the business may remain disappointed as the returns will not be up to the mark. The needs of the family will also use some of it. A new member can join your family during this time. An auspicious occasion hosted by your family can keep your expenses on the higher side.The month’s time is propitious for love and marriage. On one hand, love life will attain prosperity while on the other, your life partner will acknowledge and respect your feelings. Small and occasional tiffs may occur. Health may remain in low spirits. Thus, it is better to observe precautionary measures.

Cancer :  You are advised to put forth each and every professional step very carefully. Many ups and downs can be around the corner. However, those natives who wish to join a new organisation may receive propitious results. Juniors in the office will remain on your side, which will be a great advantage to you. Business natives are expected to get fulfilling results during this month’s time. People who are in love and are married will come across a favourable time. If any third person tries to sow the seeds of misunderstanding and discord between the two of you, then his/her efforts will not be graced with success.A splendid vigour will be seen in you during this month and your health will remain stable.Positive attitude towards health will put an end to many of your problems this month.
Leo : There are chances of you attaining professional success during this month’s time. You may also lay your hands on promotion during this time. Natives associated with the business may also earn a good amount of profits. During this time you will be able to repay an old loan of yours and also be able to stumble upon new sources of earning money.You will also remain satisfied because of your prosperous domestic life. The bond of unity and harmony will be seen amongst the family members. Love life will make progress during this month. Meanwhile, married natives will also remain happy.During this month’s time, take special care of your diet to keep yourself safe from obesity. Additionally, you have to make positive changes in your daily routine. Sleeping, waking and eating etc. on time.
Virgo : When it comes to your career, you are advised to take each and every step very carefully. A small mistake on your part will create dire repercussions, to the extent that you may have to leave your job.Virgo natives may remain preoccupied with tensions because of their economic status during this month.Dedication of Virgo natives towards their partners will increase and you will feel attracted towards each other. You will spend some quality time with each other and display your affection towards each other. It is necessary for you to pour your heart out in front of your partner so that he or she feels acknowledged.On the familial front, you are likely to experience some ups and downs.Quite a few health problems may befall you during this month’s time. Some Virgo natives may remain distressed due to leg pain.
Libra :  Many new opportunities will be made available to you to earn money. Natives associated with a business will also face a good time. The money required to make investments for the betterment of your business will be acquired easily. The inflow of your income will be more as compared to its outflow. Time will remain ordinary for your familial front. However, an auspicious occasion may get commemorated in your household. As far as your love life is concerned, situations will remain in your favour and you will enjoy it to the fullest with your partner. Wedded duos will also establish good relations with each other. Life partner will also provide you with some sort of help in getting things done. Problems related to face may be experienced by Libra natives.  

Scorpio : As far as the career of Scorpio natives is concerned, you will get desirable results during this month’s time. If you have been preparing for a job for a very long time, then you may hit the jackpot this month. However, you should not give up on your hard work to remain at the receiving end of prosperous results.If you have been thinking about investing in any property, then it is advised to take the guidance of an experienced professional as there are chances of you incurring losses. Married as well as unmarried natives in love may witness the eradication of all sorts of misunderstandings during this month. If you stay away from your lover, then you may get an opportunity during this month’s time.As far as health is concerned, Scorpio natives may suffer from problems related to eyes, ears and chest during this month. 
Sagittarius : There are chances of you attaining professional success during this month’s time. You will work more diligently as compared to your colleagues. In order to fulfil professional requirements, you may also take a foreign trip. Natives associated with a business will get good returns. There are also chances for your business to expand.The sudden illness of a family member may also procure some of your economic resources . However, opportunities will be made available to spend some quality time with family members. For students, the last month of this year will prove to be a bit challenging. As far as your love life is concerned, a dull phase can hit your relationship. You may get attracted to someone else. Take proper care of your health during this time. Special care of eating habits should be taken in this while.

Capricorn : Due to the fights prevailing on your familial front, you will find it difficult to focus at the workplace during this month. You will keep wondering about the problems in your household which will provide a decrement to your productivity.At the same time, those business professionals who have been incurring losses for a long period of time may finally get some relaxing profits. Capricorn natives who are in love come across on ordinary time during this month.Married natives should behave according to time. If you exhibit extremely sensitive behaviour, your life partner may remain distressed because of you. You should try to resolve all the problems which exist in your relationship.While talking about your health during this month, it can be said that you may experience dental problems. Some difficulties may also be experienced on the left side of your body. 
Aquarius : You are likely to obtain professional success and make the most of your career during this time. There are also chances of you laying hands on a promotion. If you have laid the foundation of any start-up, then it will do well during this month’s time. Funds will also get collected easily on time. The economic status may remain weak.Domestic life is expected to remain surrounded with ups and downs.The good news is, you may get to earn some profits from your family members.The time is not quite favourable for natives who are in love as well as for those who are married. Thus, maintain a good rapport with your partner. Students may have to face hurdles in their studies due to economic difficulties.You may also suffer from dental problems during this time, which is why it is advised to avoid spicy food items.

Pisces : If you are travelling somewhere to fulfil the requirements at work, you may have to stay in that place for an extended period. You may also be ordered to travel somewhere else by your senior officials. You should not mix your personal life with your professional one.Business personals of this sign are likely to receive good profits because of it you will be able to secure profits in your project for the future.If you have invested in the past, then its profit will come to you in the current time.You will get good opportunities to spend some amazing moments with your partner. On the family front, you will remain at the receiving end of good results. You are advised to bring changes to your health conditions during this month. Being careless about your health can have drastic repercussions. You may have problems in your eyes, chest and stomach this month.

Contributed By:

Pt. Paarth Dixit
(Vaidik Astrologer & Jyotish Ratna Awarded)
Traditional Indian Astrology Specifically for you..
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