Tarot card predictions October 2020

By Pujashaktti  Astrologer

31st October: Full Moon in Taurus and Blue Moon

In October 2020, there are two full moons.1st October and 31st October  The second one is called a Blue Moon, a rare astrological aspect, in October Pluto turns direct in Capricorn, while Mercury turns retrograde in Scorpio.


October brings you deliberation.you can look very calm. It is during this term you should focus on relationships which will be very harmonious if you take care of them. But don’t expect any passion. Your advantage is primarily to be kind-hearted. Track down all of your fearful thought and feelings.when you find them you will find your desires too. your fears are the only things that are standing between you and what you desire at this time.


Aries -Red, mustard, rust Avoid black, white, and even pink.

The goddess of love High Priestess, October will be a very affectionate period for you. Taurus will now align with the light and focus on all things positive.will be full of romance due to the influence of Venus from the 4th to the 28th. Sun and Mercury will also be helpful in good communication with your spouse. The social skills of singles will be excellent this month. Mars is favorable for new relationships.finances indicates that income will zoom.

Taurus– Black, green, and pink tend to be strong colors Avoid reds and purples.


October brings balance, which Gemini finds mainly in love relationships. Pervasive peace and harmony awaken real happiness and you really begin to appreciate your partner. The retrograde of Mercury this month will give an opportunity to plan their personal aspirations and achievements.influences of Mercury and Venus. Mars will make it more passionate. It is time to focus on love and forget about your career and finances for the moment. Singles will find love Existing relationships will get confirmed.

Gemini-Yellow, light green white, Avoid reds, and orange.


Planetary aspects will bring spiritual happiness, innovative faculties, mystic capabilities, and social intelligence. All these things will be helpful in improving the prosperity of You will also be more realistic in your approach to life and will be highly disciplined in your activities. October prepares you for a great time to set it right. Cancer puts his energy into relationships to harmonize and calm them. Your advantage is your friendly behavior. people foretell very good financial prospects. You can also expect some financial windfalls this month.

Cancer-White, green, blue, and mustard Avoid black, and burgundy.


October is a social month. You will make social contacts and will be forced to join social organizations. This will help you in overcoming challenges in your life and achieve emotional happiness. Singles will have a number of romantic opportunities Mercury retrograde will make it more difficult for finances. You have to be extremely cautious while making major investments and large procurement. You have to scrutinize your financial plans thoroughly before taking action. The period after the 23rd will be more encouraging.

Leo-Cooper, eggplant, gold, and orange Avoid pale pink, light blue, and white.


October brings you an amazing person into your life but your fear of coming out of your comfort zone could destroy your relationship. If you are in a long-term relationship, you will enjoy peace and harmony. The period up to the 23rd of the month will be problematic. This will give you an opportunity to review career progress so far and work out future plans. Money flow will be plenty from various sources. Your financial intelligence will be splendid and you will have too many chances to generate money.

Virgo- Green, black, grey, peach Avoid reds and orange.


October will bring you great dedication to turn your life around, and the universe will give you opportunities that will bring you closer to this dream Thanks to the influence of Venus, Libra’s senses will be sharpened, including the “sixth” one. That’ll help you see people’s true intentions- not just the ones they present. You will sense fraud from miles away, and quickly avoid it. finances indicate your social connections will help your financial growth. There will be plenty of financial prospects and money will come from unexpected sources. Your financial acumen will be splendid which will help you to formulate your strategies and targets.

Libra- Cream, blue, black, and pink. Avoid neon colors.


married couples will be influenced by the position of Venus. Love will be highly romantic and unrestricted. Aspects of Mercury will suppress the excessive passion generated by Mars. October is very calm and a positive month for you. Scorpio is rewarded for efforts in work, which gives him space to pay attention to his closest friends, especially to his partner. The single ones let themselves become enchanted by some mysterious person who appears in Scorpio’s life.finances is not very promising. All speculations and investments will result in financial losses.

Scorpio- Maroon, violet, pomegranate, and black Avoid white and pink.


October is full of romance and emotion. Sagittarius shows kindness to his partner, family, and friends. This can help him to avoid problems in relationships. the career is influenced by the positive aspects of Mercury. Career is also impacted by the retrograde activity of Mercury. You will have many opportunities for career growth. finances present a happy situation. You will have the support of friends and social connections for your financial prosperity. Planetary influences will slow down money flow, but the overall flow is not affected. All important procurements and investments require more scrutiny.

Sagittarius-Purple, Sienna, Avoid black, and pink.


October is a month of business and taking responsibility for your financial condition in general. Your career growth will be stupendous. You can expect promotions to senior grades and financial rewards. The month is beneficial for self-employed professionals. Planetary retrogrades will make it tough for both the unemployed as well as employers.

You will have plenty of opportunities for financial growth. Speculations will be profitable and you will get money from unanticipated sources. Your financial intelligence is fabulous and your goals are well defined. Although October brings a lot of fun into your life, you focus on work.

Capricorn-Black, grey, navy blue, and white Avoid yellow, neons, and purple.


The horoscope implies that it’s really an ideal opportunity to get on your feet. If you don’t have the needed financial capital, try looking for the help of an investor. Beware not to fall for something that wouldn’t be worth it in the end though. You will not have any support from friends and family members for your career development. Professional travel will not be gainful. Planetary momentum and good aspects will help your financial prosperity. Speculations will give good profits. Money comes from overseas with the help of foreigners. The educational field is another source of income.

 Aquarius-Turquoise, silver, sky blue. Avoid orange, gold, and blue.


October means setting you free. You finally feel very calm in work and at home, so you have time to take care of yourself. Venus will make it fascinating, but the retrograde of Mercury will create problems in communication. Mars also will make your love life more forceful and selfish. finances tarot profitable times for finances. The month is favorable for speculations and financial investments.  There will be financial windfalls and the prospects for financial growth are many, You should avoid or limit travel activities until the planets are positively disposed of.

Pisces-Lavender, white, blue Avoid red and dark blue.

Pujashaktti – Astrologer Tarot card reader

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