Tarot card predictions September 2020

In autumn, you can expect lots of work duties. During September, Mars is in Virgo, which causes attenuation of emotions. Because of that, you should focus on your job. Someone may get in your way, but you will solve it like a real Aries, You won’t have any problems with manual tasks, but should you think about something more, it might not go very well.
Lucky charm-Carnelian is a  lucky charm for Aries, as it supports vitality and creativity
September, you will slowly deplete your energy reserves, and most of the things will get back to normal. Don’t expect any thrill in work or romantic relationships. Dedicate your time to family. This month, your close ones will need your support – you will need theirs too – and the mutual vulnerability will only get you closer. You are Taurus, so you are able to give them extra motivation for life. Taurus is more observant, and he naturally tries to evaluate his priorities.
Lucky charm-Nature-loving Taurus has a forest-green lucky charm. “Emeralds encourage growth, peace, and balance.
Gemini is usually attracted by new and unknown things. In September there is the exact opposite of that. You feel best in family surroundings which protects you against troubles you are afraid of. You find relief from everything in manual work, which can help you to clean your house.
It’s necessary to take care of your body, so don’t forget to exercise and eat a diet full of vitamins and minerals.
Lucky charm-white quartz is a lucky charm, “mental stimulation, peace, love”
September brings a lot of productivity. Cancer doesn’t care about relationships during this time because he thinks that the issues which are connected to relationships are useless and uninteresting. Your work becomes your refuge, but only to some extent. In stressful situations, you are often frustrated, which could cause you to take the stress out on you friends or family, so be careful. Cancer will be a good listener for others, but they should not forget about their own mental health.
Lucky charm -moonstone “soothes emotional stress and enhances intuition”
September is for you quite a stressful period of the year. Relationships are in attenuation because Leo has to catch up with everything he missed in summer. Mercury in Virgo gives you analytic abilities, so you simply solve every problem, which makes the situation easier. September will force you to blame others for your own mistakes. Before you venture into an argument, think twice if it’s worth it. Words have the ability to heal, but also to hurt.
Lucky charm-Leo is ruled by the sun and its lucky charm is citrine,
Virgo can look forward to a flurry of responsibility, mainly in her work. It is easy for you to solve any problem for the entire month of September and your superior appreciates that. Relationships could distract you from your goals, so you should separate work from fun in every case. Your mental health is of much higher value and if you can’t seem to calm yourself, try meditation, for instance. September will represent a career test, from which Virgo has the potential to come out stronger than ever.
Lucky charm-Virgo ruled by Mercury writing instrument like a pen that can help her organize her thoughts
September will make you feel like you don’t care about the material world at all. You will attach great importance to your inner and spiritual being. You will be excited about learning this. Primarily, we recommend getting information from more sources in order for you to make a subjective opinion. September brings you the courage to say what you desire. It is easy for you to ask for an increase in salary or for a longer holiday. It is good, because in this period negotiation surely pays.
Lucky charm-Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and love so rose quartz
The coming autumn brings calm vibes, which Scorpio feels for the entire month of September. The situation in love and career finally is stable and you can enjoy well-deserved relaxation. The best way is active rest, like a sport or long walks. There is a lot going on in both your career and personal life, and you should learn to calm yourself. An absolutely ideal way to do so is doing sports, journaling, meditating, doing breathing exercises, healthy eating, and self-education.
Lucky charm-Scorpio has two co-rulers: energetic Mars and Pluto, eagle statute gives sharp vision, courage, and power
September, you can feel autumn dejection, but staying within your nature helps you. Sagittarius finds rest and well-being in activities like mushroom hunting, walks in nature, or creating autumn decorations. If something doesn’t go well, keep a cool head, and learn from mistakes. take care of yourself, because in this period you might not feel very good when it comes to health. You could get attacked by a virus or in the worse cases,Sagittarius should slow down their life pace and be under as little pressure as possible.
Lucky charm-This mutable fire sign is symbolized by the archer, so items with arrows—like this silver mantra cuff bracelet
September, every Capricorn should invest his time and energy to health. Long days in work and frequent overtime opportunities could have a bad influence on him. Therefore, don’t forget about exercising and getting enough sleep. Your body will repay you. Don’t worry about relationships, they are placid and harmonious. September will show which relationships are worth keeping and which not. If Capricorn is in a long-term relationship and there has been an unresolved issue hanging in the air, maybe now it’s the time to open it again, and then clarify.
Lucky charm-amber, which represents wisdom and clarity.
In September, Aquarius has to go back to the cycle of work life. Because your feelings are torpid, you throw yourself into work with pleasure. Mercury, in Virgo gives you analytical thinking. Thanks to that, you will gain insight into any problem, so that you can solve it with ease. September will be a month of self-reflection – Aquarius will evaluate their life to date and analyze their mistakes, as well as the successes. Don’t wallow in the past for too long though.
Lucky charm-blue is lucky for this sign, specifically electric blue
September, you will hold fear about what might go wrong within you. In your behavior, you will be very careful, and before you do something, you will think twice. However, beware of ending up doing nothing. Even though the pace is now slowed down, it doesn’t mean you should stagnate. What about taking up a peaceful hobby like needlework, running, or visiting cultural performances? Pisces will be perfectly tuned to these activities. you should be careful with your physical strength.
Lucky charm-Symbolized by the fish, the mutable water sign
By Pujashaktti – Astrologer Tarot card reader For appointment Website- http://pujashaktis.com/ Shop online- http://pujashaktis.com/shop/
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