Nearly 5,500 Infrastructure Jobs to be Unlocked Through $1 Billion Investment

Through a joint investment of $1 billion, the Federal, State Liberal and Nationals Governments will support thousands of jobs in shovel-ready infrastructure projects and road safety upgrades across NSW.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison said, “partnering with state and territory governments to invest in more major infrastructure projects across Australia is a key part of our JobMaker plan to rebuild our economy and create more jobs.”

From this funding, $240 million is to be allocated to fix 11 congestion hotspots, $382 million is for the upgradation of roads across regional NSW, and $398 million is for road safety projects in regional areas. These allocated funds will support 1000, 3500 and 950 jobs, respectively.

“This package builds on the fast tracking of $570 million for infrastructure in New South Wales which we announced last November, locking in priority upgrades that will bust congestion, increase productivity, improve safety, and boost jobs at a time we need it most,” said the Prime Minister.

With this investment, the additional funding for NSW has totaledSCOT GLADYS to over 2.7 billion in the past eight months.

Investments from the Commonwealth and NSW Government have supported the jointly funded package, providing $451 million and $569 million, respectively. The Commonwealth funding of $451 million has been drawn from the $1.5 billion allocation for priority, shovel-ready projects and targeted road and safety works. The NSW funding is sourced from the $3 billion Project Acceleration Fund.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the stimulus package would impact in an increase of jobs and improve safety and travel times of journeys in the state. “This stimulus package builds on NSW’s record infrastructure investment of $100 billion over 4 years, including an extra $3 billion to accelerate projects and create jobs.”

“Building infrastructure will be key to our economic recovery which is why we have already accelerated a number of infrastructure projects, creating thousands of jobs,” Berejiklian said.

The government and the State, Territory and Local governments, have worked on this to boost the economy and get money flowing into jobs and businesses said Michael McCormack, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development.

“This funding will help turbocharge the NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads program, jointly funding $382 million of projects on a 50:50 basis on the local roads that communities use every day,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said the first round of the projects alone would deliver over 258 jobs across Local Government Areas. “This is money for small projects that make a big difference in people’s everyday lives in regional NSW.”

The funding would also deliver shovel-ready urban projects said Alan Tudge, Federal Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure. “We’re investing $240 million to jointly fund on a 50:50 basis a Pinch Point Program that will bust congestion for freight and bus services across Sydney’s metropolitan road network,” Tudge said.

“These small-scale road improvements will make all the difference for mums and dads doing the school drop off, and people on their way home from work,” Tudge said.

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