Predictions for June 2020: By Tarot card reader Pujashaktti






By Pujashaktti 

A strong emotional charge, this month! The Sun from the 21st, Mercury, Mars, and Neptune, all in the sign of water, this month, induce sensitive or even intuitive energies. Beginning of the month, until the 20th, the honour of Gemini also receives Venus. Love floats in the air, light, refreshing, and joyful.

ARIES -March 21-April 20 


Your creative drive and expressive ideas are your best allies now, personally and professionally. Balancing your priorities may not be easy. Take care of responsibilities first.

It’s easy to overdo it, since you may become so involved in meeting your challenges that you forget about your physical limitations. Even though you may not like to admit to them, you’ll do yourself a favour by maintaining an awareness of your body’s capabilities.

Expect the best if you are considering having a child, creating a new job or business opportunity, or starting a creative project.

The Temperance symoolizes abundance, joy and happiness, and reassurance – a firm foundation for future progress.

June tips ~Rosemary – help you to stay focused and confidence

Lucky number -1 and 9

Lucky colour – pink, white and yellow

TAURUS -April 21-May 21

 Earth SIGN 

 You are at risk of doing something hasty out of impatience and rage.

This is not a time for irrational and impulsive behaviour – don’t be cantankerous (if closer to old than young!) or arrogant and resentful (if closer to young than old!) Try and remain calm and let the rage go. Take time to make a cool and collected decision.

The Hermit signals a warning not to make hasty decisions.

Romantically you may have mixed feelings about someone – part of you wants to enter the relationship wholeheartedly, part of you wants to hold back. So if you are in a relationship that empowers you then stay – if not it is time to move on.

June tips ~ rose – eases all your stress

Lucky number – 2 and 8

Lucky colour – pink and white, Green


GEMINI -May 22-June 21


The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is to have it all! Why should you have to give something or someone up?

Perhaps you feel a victim and that events are not going as planned. Trust that this is a passage from one phase of your life to another.

If you are not sure what or who you need to give up, trust that things will resolve themselves over time and whatever the outcome will ultimately be to your benefit.

June will give you enjoy success and enjoyment for past efforts, events will pick up a pace and the outcome will be quicker than expected.

June tips ~Basil – encouraging your natural curiosity

Lucky number – 3 and 7

Lucky colour – light yellow and green





This is a time for nurturing, material and domestic comfort, a feeling of abundance, harmony, joy and love.

A time for motherhood – you may already be pregnant or thinking about motherhood, if female of course! If male, this is a period of joy and abundance for you too – the appearance of The Empress here could also indicate that your mother or mother figure could be of great significance or comfort at this time.

This is also a card of creativity so it is a good omen if you are feeling creatively inspired at this time.

June tips ~ chamomile – supports your nurturing qualities

Lucky number – 3 and 7

Lucky colour -White, Grey, Silver, and Cream





You are sensing that success is just around the corner but it feels elusive, just out of reach. Love is coming into your life even if you really can’t see where from at this time.

If you are on your own a new lover will soon enter your life.

If you are in an unhappy relationship you have a choice to make – go with your heart, take the risk. Greater happiness is ahead of you.

June tips ~ jasmine – relieving stress

Lucky number -1,4 and 6


Lucky colour -Gold, regal Purple and burnt Orange







The Sun suggests that what you most want at this time is some joy and pleasure in your life, perhaps a long-needed holiday in the sun to re-charge your batteries.

You may have been through a period of challenges or a time of limbo and inactivity. The Sun heralds an ending to difficulties and a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, a time of pleasure and the possibility of good news around children or the conception or birth of a longed-for baby.


June tips ~ Lavender – make you calm and peace


Lucky number – 2,5 and 7


Lucky colour – Blue, Green, light yellow and white






Open your mind and soul to new possibilities.

This is a time to realise your full potential, follow your instincts and act on your hunches – a time for spontaneity, fun and surprises.

However, be mindful of being too impulsive. Your decisions should be based on experience and knowledge of self.

This is a time of movement and change. Expect a journey relating to work, and if you’ve had your eye on that car, it will soon be yours.

June tips ~ Geranium – calming and balancing

Lucky number – 1,2 and 7

Lucky colour -white and light blue






Courage and self-belief is what you need to succeed. You may already feel overflowing with these, and if so there’s no doubt you will achieve what you want with your career, finances and love life.

If you are feeling negative, look inward for that strength and courage, you know you are capable of having self-belief and you’ll reap great rewards.

What you most want is a new love in your life, and when The Magician appears, a new love affair or perhaps a rekindled affair is at hand.

June tips ~patchouli – eases stress

Lucky number – 2,7 and 9

Lucky colour -Orange and yellow






You are about to reach, or are already enjoying, a period of total fulfilment, wholeness and satisfaction – the arrival of your heart’s desires.

You feel satisfied with what you have achieved and are enjoying the rewards for past efforts. A time of happy outcomes, material wealth and greater spiritual awareness.

Decisions will go in your favour, particularly regarding partnerships or legal matters.

Now is the time for some good luck and reward for your good deeds in the past.

June tips ~black pepper -helps keep you alert

Lucky number – 3,5 and 8

Lucky colour -cream and green





Expect life to change – and quickly.

Fate, destiny or synchronicity, call it what you like, positive change and good fortune is evident here.

If you have important choices to make trust your intuition. Do you feel that events seem to be evolving without much input from you? If so trust it and go with the flow.

June tips ~vetiver – for money

Lucky number – 6,8 and 9

Lucky colour -black and purple







A period of dramatic change and upheaval – however this period of change will herald a new beginning.

It is time to re-evaluate. Sometimes, as difficult as the disappointment has been to take, change can create new possibilities you never dreamed of.

There could be problems relating to your property, or if considering a new property or move, progress will be thwarted.

June tips ~Neroli – helps good sleep

Lucky number -2,3 and 7

Lucky colour- blue and purple




The Death card suggests that what you most want at this time is absolute change, to end what you no longer want and start anew.

You may desire to transform your career or your love life, perhaps your whole lifestyle in general. However radical such changes might be, embracing them will help you grow in wisdom and experience.

You may strongly and truly believe that if you were to choose to work for yourself you could be prosperous.

June tips ~Melissa – balance the emotions

Lucky number – 1,3,4 and 9

Lucky colour- pink , yellow and orange


Sending you good luck vibes.~


Numerology, Crystal Healing, Signature, Tarot Course, Tarot Card, LoveMarriage Life, Match MakingBusinessGrowth, CareerGrowth, ChildFuture, ChildHealth, PersonalConsultancy, MarriageHoroscope, Business Vedic Astrology Readings, Love Horoscope, CorporateGrowth, Gemstone, Pregnancy, Tarot Card.


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