ZODIAC SIGN PREDICTIONS – क्या कहते हैं आपके सितारे: JUNE 2020

Know what your stars have instore for you in the month of June.

Contributed By Astrologer Yuvaraj Sowma

Aries (14th April- 13th May)

At the beginning of the month Sun + Venus are seen moving into second house of Taurus zodiac, Mercury + Rahu in the third house of Gemini, Moon in the sixth house of Virgo, Ketu in the ninth house of Sagittarius, Jupiter + Saturn in the tenth house of Capricorn and Mars is entering into the eleventh house of Aquarius zodiac. You will continue doing your work without bothering about others which is the right approach. You will receive good news from your children’s side. People aiming for higher education will be successful. You will get well with your boss and senior officers at the workplace. A tremendous change on worldly front and the emotional front can come in you.

Favorable Days: 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22

Favorable colors:  Red & Blue


Taurus (14th May-13th June)

At the start of the month the positions are Sun + Venus at the start of Taurus, Mercury + Rahu in the 3rd house of Gemini, Moon at the fifth house of Virgo, Ketu at the eighth house of Sagittarius, Jupiter + Saturn at the ninth house of Capricorn, Mars at the tenth house of Aquarius. Your work will be praised. If any person is willing to go abroad for studies then this is a good time for all the related formalities to be completed. You will be open for romance. Your financial status will be strong. You will receive success from all sides. Your interactions with a special person will increase.

Favorable Days: 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 23, 24

Favorable colors: Brown & White


Gemini (21May-20June)

At the start of the month, Mercury + Rahu will be at the first house of Gemini, Moon at the fourth house of Virgo, Ketu at the seventh house of Sagittarius, Jupiter + Saturn at the eighth house Capricorn, Mars at the ninth house of Aquarius and Sun + Venus at the twelfth house of Taurus. Keep your anger in control. Sign work contracts only after proper scrutiny. Situation can turn against you. Be careful from professional competitors. Your legal matters will be sorted out. You will be full of positive energy. You will work hard to stabilize your financial status. The relations between husbands and wives will be cordial. You will bring changes in your daily activities.

Favorable Days: 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26

Favorable colors: Blue & Yellow


Cancer (14th July-13th August)

At the start of the month, Moon will be at the third house of Virgo, Ketu at the sixth house of Sagittarius, Jupiter + Saturn at the seventh house of Capricorn, Mars at the eighth house of Aquarius, Sun + Venus at the eleventh house of Taurus and Mercury + Rahu at the twelfth house of Gemini. You will put in a lot of effort for the betterment of your earnings. You will receive the blessings of experienced people. You will help a friend in his time of troubles. Your mood may remain off for some reason. You will share your techniques with your friend. You will show a preference for money related matters and ideas.

Favorable Days: 01, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28

Favorable colors: Red & purple


Leo (14th August-13th September)

At the start of the month Moon will be at the second house of Virgo, Ketu at the fifth house of Sagittarius, Jupiter + Saturn at the sixth house of Capricorn, Mars at the seventh house of Aquarius, Sun + Venus at the tenth house of Taurus and Mercury +Rahu at the eleventh house of Gemini. You will do all your official work seriously. You will not be able to create a harmony among the people around you. You will have the desire to do something new for yourself for which you will learn a lot of things. You will start doing a good. There are possibilities of you spending money on luxuries. Don’t be very strict on your children.

Favorable Days: 02, 03, 21, 22, 26, 27, 29, 30

Favorable colors: Brown


Virgo (14th September-13th October)         

In the beginning Moon is in the ascendant of the Virgo, Ketu is in the fourth house of Sagittarius, Jupiter + Saturn are in the fifth house of Capricorn, Mars is in the sixth house of Aquarius, venus + Sun are in the ninth house of Taurus and Mercury + Rahu are in the tenth house of Gemini. You will organize your work properly and smoothly. Time will be favourable in all respects. You will meet some influential people and also get support. Your work will be appreciated by everyone. The business will improve. You will get support from your partner. The speed of the work will increase. You will move forward due to your intellect.

Favorable Days: 01, 02, 04, 05, 23, 24, 28, 29

Favorable colors: Red & Violet



Libra (14th October – 13th November)

At the start of the month Ketu will be at the third house of Sagittarius, Saturn + Jupiter at the forth house of Capricorn, Mars at the fifth house of Aquarius, Sun + venus at the eighth house of Taurus, Mercury + Rahu at the ninth house of Gemini, and Moon at the twelfth house of Virgo. Your enemies may plan some conspiracy against you. You will have strong desire to move forward. You will continue to dominate others. People who want government jobs may get success. You will be surrounded by happiness from all sides. You will receive love, support and blessings of your parents. There are chances of getting a new work. You will be delighted.

Favorable Days: 03, 04, 06, 07, 25, 26, 30

Favorable Colors: Red & Yellow


Scorpio (14th November – 13th December)

At the start of the month Ketu will be entering the second house of Sagittarius, Saturn +Jupiter will be entering the third house of Capricorn, Mars will be entering the fourth house of Aquarius, Sun + Venus will be entering the seventh house of Taurus, Mercury + Rahu will be entering the eighth house of Gemini and the Moon will be entering the eleventh house of Virgo. You may be handed over some important responsibilities and duties at your work. It is very necessary for you to be cautious for your health. The pressure of your work will be too much. Your enemies and opponents will hatch some conspiracy against you, but they will not succeed.

Favorable Days: 01, 05, 06, 08, 09, 10, 27, 28

Favorable Colors: Yellow & Blue


Sagittarius (14th December -13th January)

In the beginning of the month, Ketu is in conjunction with Sagittarius, Jupiter and Saturn are in the 2nd house of Capricorn, Mars is in the 3rd house of Aquarius, Venus and Sun are in the 6th house of Taurus, Mercury and Rahu are in the 7th house of Gemini, and Moon is in the 10th house of Virgo. Your work will be appreciated. Whatever you do will be done with full loyalty and dedication. You will move forward in the right direction because of your maturity and right thinking. You will continue to do brilliant work. Love affair will be successful. Your entire attention will be on your house and family.

Favorable Days: 02, 03, 07, 08, 11, 12, 29, 30

Favorable Colors: Brown & Black


Capicorn (14th January – 13th February)

In the beginning of the month Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction with Capricorn, Mars is in the 2nd house of Aquarius, Sun, Venus and are in the 5th house of Taurus, Mercury and Rahu are in the 6th house of Gemini, Moon is in the 9th house of Virgo and Ketu is in the 12th house of Sagittarius. You will be very passionate and will indulge in physical pleasures. You will obtain happiness and pleasure. You will work very hard and will get excellent results. You will have a pleasant disposition and will be patient. If some thought occurs to you it will be difficult to take it out. You will feel secure and you will be alart while working.

Favourable Days: 04, 05, 09, 10, 13, 14, 15

Favorable Colors: Blue & Yellow


Aquarius (14th February – 13th March)

At the beginning of the year Mars is in Aquarius, Sun + Venus are in the 4th house of Taurus, Mercury + Rahu are in the 5th house of Gemini, Moon is in the 8th house of Virgo, Ketu is in the 11th house of Sagittarius, and Jupiter + Saturn are in the 12th house of Capricorn. Your time will be wasted in useless works. Because of the presence of Mars, things that were going smoothly will turn worst because of your anger and harsh speech. Your financial position will not be stable. There will be a lot of hard work, but the results will not be in the same proportion. You will get love and blessings of your elders and parents. This is the biggest asset of your life.

Favourable Days: 06, 07, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17

Favorable Colors: White & Blue

Pisces (14th March – 13th April)

In the beginning of the month, Sun and Venus are in the 3rd house of Taurus, Rahu and Mercury are in the 4th house of Gemini, Moon is in the 7thh house of Virgo, Ketu is in the 10th house of Sagittarius, Jupiter and Saturn are in the 11th house of Capricorn and Mars is in the 12th house of Aquarius. Your attention will be focused on family and houses hold chores. You will feel that family is important for stability and success. You will make a mistake or you will utter something that you should not say. You will repent on it later. Postpone your new work. Behave with humanity with everyone. It will be contrary to your behavior and everyone will be surprised.

Favourable Days: 08, 09, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20

Favorable Colors: White & Yellow

Dates of Zodiac Signs have been taken according to Vedic System of Astrology.



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