Mckay Condemns Terrorist Attack on Kabul Sikh Gurdwara


Expressing her shock at the recent terrorist attack on a Sikh Gurdwara in Kabul, Jodi Mckay, MP, NSW Labor Leader, Labor Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism said, “I was shocked and appalled to hear the news of the disgraceful and cowardly terrorist attack on a Sikh Gurdwara in the heart of Afghanistan’s capital Kabul that resulted in the murder of at least 25 members of Afghanistan’s Sikh community, including women and children.

Sikhs in Australia and across the world are devastated by this cowardly act of senseless violence.
“Today I along with all my Labor colleagues and fellow Australians stand with Sikhs everywhere.
Sikhs believe in the values of peaceful faith and meditation, of selfless sacrifice for the welfare of all, of equality between all human beings, and of Sarbat Da Bhala, the peace and prosperity of all humanity.
I know that no terrorist attack, no matter how cruel or violent, will shake the Sikh community’s faith in the teachings of their Gurus and the fundamental values they live by every day,” she added in a media statement.

She further said, “In times like these, it is more important than ever that all Australians stand together to support our wonderful multicultural society and we must never allow our community to be divided on the basis of race or religion.”

Michelle Rowland, MP, Member for Greenway also said in a statement, “I have had the privilege to work with and represent a vibrant Sikh community over many years. I know firsthand the warm hospitality, generosity and love for which Sikhs are renowned, including their incredible acts of kindness to help those during the COVID-19 pandemic.

I am certain that today’s attack will not break the determination of Sikhs around the world to spread love and happiness. You help to make the world a better place, and for that all people should be eternally grateful.

As we mourn together, let us remember that love will always overcome hate, and we must never allow our differences to divide us.”






Jodi Mckay, MP, NSW Labor Leader, Labor Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism

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