1 out of 2 children in India do not have healthy BMI

1 out of 2 children in India do not have healthy BMI... One out of two children in India do not have a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI), reveals a study.

The 10th Annual Health Survey (AHS) by Sportz Village shows children poor fitness levels across India. The nationwide survey has covered 1,49,833 children in the age groups of seven years to 17 years from 364 schools across 250 cities and towns.

The survey assessed the children on different fitness parameters of Body Mass Index (BMI), Aerobic capacity, Anaerobic capacity, Abdominal or Core strength, Flexibility, Upper body strength and Lower body strength.

The number of children with healthy levels of Aerobic capacity, Upper body strength and Lower body strength is also low. However, the number of children with healthy levels of Abdominal strength and Sprint capacity have increased in comparison to last year.

Key findings

e 1 in 2 children do not have healthy BMI

e 1 in 2 children do not have the adequate Upper body strength

e 2 in 3 children do not have the adequate Lower body strength

e 1 in 6 children do not have the desired Abdominal strength

e 1 in 3 children do not possess the desired Flexibility

e 2 in 3 children do not have the desired Aerobic capacity

e 1 in 3 children do not possess the desired Anaerobic capacity

Fitness levels comparative analysis: Girls versus boys

The survey reveals that boys have slightly better BMI than girls. The boys also have better upper body strength and flexibility. The girls, one the other hand, have fared better than boys in Lower body strength and aerobic capacity. The health levels of boys and girls in the remaining parameters i.e. Abdominal strength (84 per cent healthy) and Anaerobic capacity (66 per cent healthy) were the same.

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