NSW Health advice to travellers returning from Wuhan, China

Director of Health Protection, NSW Health, Dr Jeremy McAnulty said advice is being provided to travellers who may have already returned to NSW from Wuhan as it can take up two weeks for symptoms to develop.

“Symptoms of the virus include a fever with respiratory symptoms such as a cough, sore throat or shortness of breath,” Dr McAnulty said.

“There is no need for alarm, but people should be aware of the emerging situation and if they develop symptoms on returning from affected areas overseas, they should call ahead before seeing their GP.

“This virus does not appear to spread easily between people, but anyone with symptoms should practise simple hygiene by covering their coughs and sneezes with a tissue or their elbow and washing their hands thoroughly.”

While the Australian Government Department of Health in consultation with the Australian Government Department of Agriculture has the lead for health matters at the Australian border, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said public health officials here are working with the Commonwealth and other jurisdictions to monitor the situation in China. logo

No cases of the novel coronavirus have been detected in NSW

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