Deepavali 2013 Celebrations PARLIAMENT HOUSE, CANBERRA

ImageCan I too add my welcome to country.

Can I acknowledge: Mr Surinder Datta, Deputy High Commissioner of India; Professor Nihal Agar; His Excellency Mr Rudra Kumar, Nepal, Ambassador, Embassy of Nepal; Mrs Cheryl Brown-Irava; Members of the Diplomatic Corp;

Executive Members of the Hindu Council of Australia; to my many Federal Parliamentary colleagues here this evening; distinguished guests; ladies and gentlemen.

It is a great pleasure to be here on behalf of the Minister for Social Services, the Hon Kevin Andrews MP. Minister Andrews was unable to join us but he asked me to convey his best wishes on this important occasion.

I am very pleased to co-host this evening’s celebration of the holy festival of Deepavali. I would especially like to also acknowledge the assistance of Senator Zed Seselja for supporting this initiative.

In October I represented the Prime Minister at the Deepavali Fair in Sydney, and what an extravaganza it was. It was a real pleasure to be a part of such a joyous and colourful festival.

Can I at this point warmly thank Mrs Jyoti Jinna and her granddaughter Kanishka Jinna for assisting me in providing this gorgeous sari for tonight’s celebration.

I would like to congratulate the Hindu Council of Australia for its ongoing commitment and dedication to the Australian Hindu community and in presenting a united voice on behalf of all Australian Hindus.

We are blessed to live in a country where people have the freedom to worship, express and practise their faith without intimidation or interference as long as those practices comply with Australian law.

In Australia we are committed to creating a society where diverse cultures, religions and races peacefully co-exist and contribute to universal peace and harmony.

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