What is a signature? You may define it as a short stylish way of writing your name or full name. In other words, a handwritten name which justifies your identity to the world. As like Handwriting, the signature of any person never is the same with any other person in this world. Correct? There is an end number of questions like, how is it such a unique? Why has the signature changed as time goes? In my previous article I have mentioned that today’s digitalized world, the writing practice has replaced with the help of electronic gadgets. But, a signature is the on the same place.
Let’s understand the science of handwriting and signature. Being a Handwriting expert, I suggest that your signature is the most important part of your life in a professional and personal point of view. First of all, understand a basic thing – Signature is a projection of your life and your Handwritten script is real you. As like the relation of a product and its packaging, your handwriting is a product and your signature is a packaging. So, the packaging is the first impression of the product right? In another way, I will explain how the signature is important for any one’s life. You know that all the companies have their own logo. Right? What is the reason for having a logo? Basically, it is the identity of a company. When I say Your favourite food company’s name – McDonald’s. Your mind immediately popup an image with yellow coloured big M. If I say Audi, Puma or any other brands, your mind quickly finds the image associated with that company. So, That’s the power of the logo. Same way, your signature is a logo of yours for the public. It is a public image made by yourself which represents you. When you trace a signature it is vibration which you transmit to the world. Hence, it is highly important to have positive vibration in your signature without any negativity.
Do you remember when did you sign for the first time? Do you remember what you wrote? Did anybody think you how to write your own sign? So, how it is formed? Generally, when a child reaches a certain age of 14 or 15 he or she might be in need of doing his/ her signature. When a child does his/ her signature for the first time, he/she project the signature; but the formation of the signature has already done in his subconscious mind. The brain is developing many beliefs and mindsets when a child is growing. When a child signs, these all beliefs and mindsets project or show to the world through the signature. Now you got the answer of the uniqueness of signature. As like each person has own thoughts and thinking pattern which affects the signature. As I already mentioned in previous articles that signature and handwritings reveals the personality of a person. Although, the signature doesn’t reveal the perfect picture of any person because it shows only a few parts of your handwriting.

Now, let’s do one exercise. Write your legal signature on a plain paper. Can you really read the entire spelling what exactly you write in your signature? I mean to say is it easy to read? If your signature can read a school going child than your signature is legible. On the other side, only you can read your own signature but no other can easily read then your signature is illegible. Well, Why I make you do the activity? Basically, I just want to show you type of your signature. Both the type of signatures has a different meaning. Some people have a legible signature and some have an illegible signature but, depend upon the personality the type of signature may give a positive or negative effect on their life. Some people have positive traits in handwriting but, signature has more negative traits or vice versa. As per the person’s personality and goal, the signature and handwriting need some modification for betterment. There is no universal rule that a single change can give the same effect on all in the world. For the detail, you have to consult the Graphologist and signature, makeover expert.
Signature is a magnet, it attracts your positive and negative experiences of your life. Hence, if you have positive strokes and traits you will attract positive experiences, similarly for negative experiences. If you change your signature with the guidance of a signature makeover expert than it gives you remarkable and amazing results in your life. What are the ingredients of a signature? You may answer, it includes your name, your middle name and your last name or place name. Right? Some of you might write only your name or along with the last name, some have all of these elements. But, let me tell you one secret that each element has its own importance in your life. Missing of any of this element may create some issues in your life that you never realize. Your signature affects your family, your own values, your life partner, wealth, career and many more. Many times graphologist may ask to give the signature of your family members because it also affects your life.
Signature makeover expert can only understand the traits of your signature and add missing positive traits and remove negative traits based on your life of goal and your personality. Now, you may feel that, why should I go for an only signature makeover without handwriting. My handwriting is nice and beautiful. Let me remind you that beautiful and attractive handwriting doesn’t mean that you have positive traits in your handwriting as I have mentioned in my previous articles. If you change only your signature it may adversely affect your life. I recommend you to first change your handwriting then makeover your signature for better and desirable results.
Learning of handwriting analysis and signature makeover from certified experienced mentor may help you to mould your career in this most attractive profession.
(The views expressed by the writer are personal.) To know more about handwriting, you can visit: www.handwritingskill.com