Sophia Vincent : Manifesting the Universe!

Sophia Vincent, a public education system high school teacher for almost 20 years from Perth, Western Australia, spent years redefining her perception of life after the death of her 31 year old brother from a heart attack in 2010. ‘The only thing that gave me solace at the time was the thought that my brother still existed in some form somewhere in the universe, even though his physical body had perished.’

This curiosity, andto a large degree, the sadness of her brother’s passing led Sophia to attend a morning yoga class with one of her friends from her younger years as a dancer who had just returned from India. ‘She had just completed authentic yoga instruction training. It was exactly what Sophia had been searching for. I had lost the desire to exercise, to be energetic, to dance, and I felt stagnant in the grief process for my brother.  The yoga class seemed to loosen and release years of tension and held on emotions that were causing me to retreat back in to my body, causing me to seemingly seize up. It reversed years of pain…. in the space of an hour.’

Taking on studies of her own in her personal time, including ancient yogic wisdoms, Ayurveda, anatomy and physiology, asana practice and dedication to consistent meditation assisted in rebuilding Sophia’s personal power. This eventually inspired her 2015 Diploma in Yoga Instruction studies. ‘I remember feeling very isolated and disconnected from everyone at one stage. I was ready to retrain my energetic body and physical body to reconnect with the universe again. I remember meditating on the interconnectedness of everything, the thought that the whole universe is a part of my experience as a human being. I visualised myself manifesting the universe. I couldn’t help others if I wasn’t fully empowered within myself.’

Sophia’s motivations and intentions have always been aimed at improving humanity and the human experience. ‘Obviously teaching is humanities based which is rewarding, but working in a system that is data driven and limits students to particular time frames and outcomes has raised some huge moral and ethical questions for me.’ Sophia is enthusiastic to develop a whole series of new networks in her newly appointed role as ‘Ms Australia Universal 2019’, giving her an extra platform to reach people who are suffering or looking for a way to ease the adversities in their lives, especially female students in the public education system.

I had two very influential female teachers in my schooling who I absolutely idolised and saw as role models. My Year 2 teacher was able to spark the fantasy and creativity in every topic. We did after lunch relaxation sessions which I nowrealise were very ancient yogic meditation and visualisation techniques. Also my high school Art teacher was such a supportive and inspiring woman. She was so relevant and treated students as the individuals that they were. Everyone was able to develop their own style and personality. These two women really recognised that education isn’t just about the grades or being elite. It was all about role modelling how to be a responsible, yet caring human.


Teaching teenagers isn’t always easy. But the ideal is to help people to reach their upmost potential. Teaching adults yoga has opened up a whole new avenue to support people as well. It is amazing to think that a system that was devised over 12, 000 can still be applied today.

In a world full of war, crime and environmental destruction Sophia has always wished for there to be a place for every individual to contribute to humanity in ways that enhance freedom, wisdom and creativity.‘I meditated on connecting with the universe and it resulted in becoming Ms Australia Universal. I have already met so many fantastic people and have seen the results of valuable charity work. Representing Australia in Mexico in August is going to be the culmination of years of study and dedication amongst the lifestyle of being a working, single mum with 2 daughters.’

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