‘The Liberal National Government will invest $1.6 million in an innovative pilot project to support women living with ovarian cancer’


The Federal election is taking place shortly – an important opportunity for Australian citizens to

exercise their democratic right to vote.

Some of the key reasons that I support the Liberal party is its inherent values which resemble some Indian values – to work hard & reward enterprise, and the importance of family & a healthy & safe society. I’m also a Founder Member & Co-Chair of the Liberal friends of India & I’ve worked hard to increase the engagement of the Federal Liberal National Government with the Subcontinent community.

I outline below 2 key policy areas in which I think that the Federal Government has excelled:

  1. Small Business

The Government is increasing the instant asset write-off threshold to $30,000 and expanding access to medium-sized businesses with an annual turnover of less than $50 million. These changes will apply from 2 April 2019 to 30 June 2020 and will benefit around 3.4 million businesses employing around 7.7 million workers

  1. Health

As the Federal Liberal National Government manages the economy well, they are able to divert vital funds to important areas such as health.

For the first time, the Liberal National Government will invest $1.6 million in an innovative pilot project to support women living with ovarian cancer.

Recently, the Federal Government has committed about a total of close to a record  $15 million funding for Endometriosis. It affects “around 700,000 Australian women (or about 1 in 10 Australian women)[1] and about 176 million women worldwide.  It is described as a medical condition where the tissue that is similar to the lining of the uterus (womb) occurs outside this layer and causes severe pain.[2]

“Endometriosis inconsistent, painful & stigmatic symptoms make it hard to participate effectively in the workplace, pursue a career and social activities. I was diagnosed after many laparoscopies, 2 miscarriages & unsuccessful IVF cycles and it was heartbreaking” Senior Endometriosis survivor

Its effects are crippling and adversely affect a woman’s physical, mental and/or emotional health & wellbeing. Women may experience excruciating pain, severe headaches, chronic fatigue, fever, nausea, and/or remain bedridden for days. It can lead to infertility, (though there are women with Endometriosis who have had children). Endometriosis can also have numerous medical costs associated with it such as direct the costs of treatment, loss of work days, and pain management.

It takes on average around 8 – 9 years to diagnose Endometriosis, and the average delay in diagnosis is 7 years. There are various reasons for this including a lack of awareness of endometriosis and/or its symptoms. For example: girls, women and/or doctors may normalize severe period pain, rather than identifying such a symptom as a key indicator of Endometriosis.

The key drivers of the first National Action Plan for Endometriosis Plan are Federal Minister for Health Greg Hunt MP, Federal Member for Forrest & Endometriosis Ambassador Nola Marino MP, and Federal Member for Boothby Nicolle Flint MP. In particular, Federal MP Marino was personally driven to take action as her daughter suffers from Endometriosis and she doesn’t “…want any other young woman to go through what my daughter went through because of the failure to diagnose the disease early enough to prevent life-changing surgery. It took until she was in her 30s before a doctor finally said those words, ‘You have endometriosis.’.”

The Plan is developed through input from the Australian Coalition for Endometriosis, and members of the Parliamentary Friends for Endometriosis Awareness.

I searched Australian Labor Party (ALP) website and the ALP 2018 National Platform

and found little or no mention of any proposed policy to address endometriosis.

In stark contrast to the ALP, it’s heartening to note that the Federal Liberal National Government has taken a leading role with preventative and significant policies to address this crippling health condition & the Federal Liberal party website makes specific reference to the funding provided for a “national action plan for Endometriosis”, which is referred to as a key area of investment in women’s health.

The well-structured Plan will play a vital role in raising awareness of Endometriosis. It also gives due consideration to this painful condition experienced by 1 in 10 Australian women, and will make a meaningful difference to their lives.

For more information about Endometriosis and support networks that are available, see websites such as https://www.endometriosisaustralia.org/about-endometriosis

Pallavi Sinha is a Lawyer, Notary Public & Academic

2019 Liberal NSW Upper House (Legislative Council) Candidate 2019

AFR & Westpac 100 Women of Influence

(The views expressed are personal).

http://www.health.gov.au/internet/ministers/publishing.nsf/Content/health-mediarel-yr2019-hunt124.htm media release 9 April 2019 & http://www.health.gov.au/internet/ministers/publishing.nsf/Content/health-mediarel-yr2017-hunt130.htm media release 6 December 2017


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