NSW AND INDIA Share Vibrant Relationship

governorThe Governor of NSW, David Hurley  has returned from an official visit to India where he promoted NSW’s trade and cultural ties and its strengths in the education, technology and food and beverage sectors.

Governor Hurley met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Governor of Maharashtra, the Chief Minister of Gujarat, senior state officials and leaders of major Indian conglomerates, reinforcing NSW’s state-to-state relationships with Maharashtra and Gujarat.

“The states of Maharashtra, Gujarat and NSW share challenges across key sectors so by collaborating through ingenuity, innovation and technology we have become very promising partners,” Governor Hurley said.

“I placed particular emphasis on the opportunities available to Indian and Australian companies in the development of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis.”

He  has also showcased NSW’s rich and diverse wines to a group of Indian wine importers.

“These visits are essential to raise the profile of NSW and Australia more broadly and, importantly, increase the visibility of NSW businesses in India,” Governor Hurley said.

NSW is well placed to assist India meet its education needs through the delivery of vocational education, tertiary education and online delivery models that allow rural and remote communities access to quality and affordable education.

“I highlighted NSW’s strengths in vocational education and training and made the case for the State as the number one study destination for international students.”

The Governor joined national leaders, business leaders, and policy makers from across the globe at the biennial Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit.

“NSW greatly values its wonderful relationship with the State and people of Gujarat, and Vibrant Gujarat itself provided us with a unique opportunity to meet and engage with the best possible cross-section of Indian business, government and international partners.”


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