New program to help small business map a pathway to success

  • $5 million Victorian Coalition Government new initiative to support small business
  • SuccessMap designed to help stimulate growth and resilience in Victorian small businesses
  • Coalition Government supporting communities

Over 500 Victorian small businesses will benefit from a Victorian Coalition Government initiative to help them grow their businesses.

how_to_start_a_small_business-296x300Minister for Innovation Services and Small Business Louise Asher today announced that applications are open for Small Business SuccessMap – a new program to provide growing businesses with low cost direct access to specialist assistance to help business owners and managers grow their business and strengthen their management capabilities.

Ms Asher said there are over half a million small businesses actively trading in Victoria, and they are an essential part of the Victorian economy, representing 96 per cent of all businesses.

“SuccessMap is designed to help stimulate growth and resilience in Victorian small businesses by offering practical support to business owners,” Ms Asher said.

“The program will offer small businesses access to independent expert advice and coaching over a significant period.

“A business planning specialist will work with eligible businesses to assess their strategic goals and objectives and help them develop and implement future business and workforce development plans.”

The program will also provide businesses with targeted coaching to assist in the implementation of business and workforce development plans. The independent specialists will work with the businesses for a period of up to nine months.

A panel of five expert service providers have been contracted to help deliver the program, comprising:

  • Bill Lang International;
  • Crowe Horwath;
  • Grant Thornton Australia;
  • Group Training Association of Victoria; and
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers

Ms Asher said the range and diversity of the SuccessMap Service Providers ensures that there will be a good match for every business that applies to participate in the program.

“The Victorian Coalition Government has committed $5 million to the Small Business SuccessMap program, through to June 2016, and we will assist approximately 500 small businesses from all industries across Victoria,” Ms Asher said.

“In October 2013, the Government released Supporting Small Business 2013, which refocuses existing and new small business programs and services under the five key themes of: improving small business productivity; supporting small business growth and new jobs; encouraging small business innovation and exports; promoting a fair and competitive small business environment; and cutting costs and reducing red tape.”

“SuccessMap reflects the Victorian Government’s commitment to improving small business productivity and supporting small business growth and new jobs.”

Businesses wishing to check their eligibility to apply for the SuccessMap program are encouraged to visit the website to obtain a copy of the program guidelines.


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