US North Korea Summit

Australia welcomes the outcomes from the historic summit between United States President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

The Singapore Declaration formally reaffirms North Korea’s commitment to complete denuclearisation, made in the Panmunjom Declaration of 27 April. Today’s declaration also states that the US and North Korea will establish new relations and work towards a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. It commits to arrangements for recovering remains of prisoners of war and soldiers missing in action.

This summit is a step in the right direction. We look forward to continued dialogue and diplomacy to achieve these objectives.

North Korea must now take concrete and verifiable steps to implement its commitments. North Korea also remains bound by United Nations Security Council resolutions banning its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

Australia will continue to work closely with our partners to coordinate actions in support of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.


Foreign Minister’s Office:                Lauren Gianoli    0478 488 874

Liam O’Neil          0428 113 617

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