Queen’s Baton Bearer -Making the Multicultural Community Proud


On 31st  March 2018, day 96 of Queens Baton Relay, Reena Augustine represented Australian & Indian community and carried the baton starting from 999 Brunswick Road, New Farm at 3pm.Reena came to Australia as a student, and now she is a proud Australian citizen.  She works as a migration agent.  Reena offers her  service to the community as a photographer, event organizer, stage manager and many more. She loves to bring people together from all walks of life and continues to promote multiculturalism to remove all barriers.


One vision, one goal and a team to unite the multicultural community of Australia was achieved through the award-winning Multicultural fashion show 2015, 2016, 2017 which led Reena to be the Queen’s Baton Bearer 2018. Because of her Multicultural fashion show which aimed to bring several nations together  she went on to win the Brisbane Women in Business Award for Community Dedication 2016 and She won the Lord Mayor’s Multicultural round table scholarship for 2017-2018, Further, she was placed within the Lord Mayor’s final 12 for the 2016 Mayoral Awards and a finalist in the category of Entrepreneurial and Innovative Leader by access community centre: Vice President of Lion’s Club United asia Business Inc, community Radio Presenter at Brisvaani, Cultural co-ordinator at world arts Multi-cultural Inc. & was a finalist in the National Awards for the Indian Community 2016.


 When asked what’s the inspiration behind her community involvement, Reena beamingly says, “I volunteer because I want to give something back to the community. I strongly believe that if you want to live in the community and feel to be a part of it you must give something back! Australia is a very inclusive country and the Queen’s Baton carries a strong message of inclusivity, diversity and community so I am extremely proud to be part of such a meaningful event. All the baton bearers I see here gave so much to the community and to be included with them means a lot to me and it inspires me beyond words.”

With Steve Biddle and Fly-Regional director -Department of Home affairs

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