Mueller looking at Trump adviser’s Wikileaks ties: Report

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is looking into President Donald Trump’s adviser Roger Stone’s ties to Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange, a media report said.

According to The Wall Street Journal report on Monday, Stone said in an email on August 4, 2016, that he had “dined with Julian Assange last night”, reports CNN.

Stone served as an adviser on Trump’s presidential campaign.

However, Stone has denied ever meeting Assange.

Stone also noted that his passport showed that he did not leave the country in 2016.

Mueller is currently investigating any potential ties between Russians and Trump campaign associates.

Stone has also denied ever receiving anything from WikiLeaks.

“I never received any material from them at all,” he said last week.

“I never received any material from any source that constituted the material ultimately published by WikiLeaks… This will be an impossible case to bring because the allegation that I knew about the (WikiLeaks) disclosures beyond what Assange himself had said in interviews and tweets, or that I had and shared this material with anyone in the Trump campaign or anyone else, is categorically false.”

Mueller’s probe has found several links between the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks, including private messages on Twitter between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks and outreach from the chief executive of Cambridge Analytica to Assange, reports CNN.

The Special Counsel’s team is looking into whether the communications were ever intended as a coordinated effort to help with Russia’s 2016 election meddling.

The President has repeatedly denied any collusion.

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