“Listen To Your Body”:Your Body Will Tell You What Nourishes It

By Shaizy

I am not a vegan. I am not a vegetarian. I am not entirely a non-vegetarian. I am a different breed. I am Shaizy.

I believe one should listen to their body. Hear and focus on what nourishes you. Feel the foods when you are eating them and hear how they talk to your body, how your body reacts to them, and their subtleties.

Some people are vegan (who don’t eat animal products including milk products) some people are vegetarian (who eat vegetables and no meat but will drink milk and eat milk products and sometimes eat fish) some people are non-vegetarians (who eat both meat and vegetables)

I am a different kind. I listen to my body. My body is iron deficient, so I eat red meat. I don’t believe in ingesting pharmaceutical iron pills and supplements, so I find natural sources of iron present in spinach, apples, dates and red meats. But I don’t believe in hurting younger animals, as they haven’t had a chance to live their life yet. Older animals, is fine. These are my beliefs. What you going to do? Kill me for it? Judgment-sham me? I don’t stop vegans when they brutally kill plants for their selfish nourishment. I don’t stop non-vegetarians to eat chicken, fish, eggs, pork because they find it healthy to do so for morning breakfast? I do need iron to nourish my body, so I eat red meat. If I don’t get iron, I faint. Has happened a few times where I’ve hurt and bled myself pretty badly by fainting.

I also don’t drink milk or milk products, as I believe only cow’s baby should drink cow’s milk as it has essential hormones and nutrients to help in their growth to nourish a cow’s baby. I am not a cow. I am human. I drank human milk when I was a baby for my nourishment. For an adult, the milk that nourishes the body is soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk or rice milk. It is just media and cultural facade that tells you cow’s milk is good for you! It isn’t really. Do you want to become a cow? Then drink cow’s milk. I eat vegetables and fruits. But I don’t eat chicken, egg, fish, seafood, onion, garlic, chives, shallots, leeks, spring onions, milk or milk-based products.  

Every time I eat onion or garlic, my body feels low in energy and I feel down, stressed and nauseous. Moreover, my body starts smelling, my skin, my hair and the oils secreted by my body is foul on onion and garlic. This is how I discovered there are no health benefits from ingesting onion or garlic for me and it doesn’t suit me. Moreover, they contain toxic irritants, which result in much harm when included in the diet and should, therefore, never be consumed. You can read more about the harm onion and garlic can do to your body, more than it benefits.

When you look at sages from Hindu culture, Japanese cultures, the Monks from Tibet, Buddhists, ancient tribes in many countries, shun onion or garlic from their diet and food and they understand the ill effects of it since many generations. Then why is present in almost everything in the grocery store? Go Figure! Because the hospitals and the systems need to be running too right?

Some plants come on this earth with a purpose to nourish us like some people come to this earth to help others, to show you the way. Similarly, some animals come to this earth to nourish you. That’s their purpose. There is nothing right or wrong with eating meat.Plants also have growth, plants also reproduce, plants also breathe and feel the light (of the sun). Plants also live and die like we do. Then how can you eat plants? How can you be okay to kill plants and not be okay to kill animals? Is the little cell of the plant not crying when you chew them for your benefit?

“I believe one should not judge others, force others or put pressure on others or make others feel guilty to eat certain foods, to become vegan or to become vegetarian or to eat meat. I believe we all need to centre ourselves and listen to our body.”

— shaizy

Listen and focus on what nourishes our body. Eat what it is asking you to be fed. Everyone’s DNA is different. Everyone’s composition is different. What nourishes you is different than what nourishes others.

I also give myself Reiki everyday and meditate daily for 15mins – 30 mins, which helps me to listen to my body, to what it needs and what nourishes it – emotionally, physically and chemically. I encourage you to listen more to your body. You will be surprised what it will tell you. Best way to listen is to observe if it makes you feel good, not guilty good but really good then eat it. If it makes you feel eh, meh, naaah, don’t feel like it then don’t eat it. Be present when you are eating, the power is in the present moment. You see all the signs and you’ll be able to receive the guidance when you are in the present moment, you’ll receive inspiration which steps to go and what to eat. When you are feeling good and in a feeling good place, you allow your guidance to help you. Focus on your own feeling, paying attention to subtleties and let it resonate with inherent truth inside.

You can reach her on www.facebook.com/shaizysingh or www.shaizy.com

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