Saheli Club: The Vision Of Enterprising And Creative Women

Christina Rossetti describes the rainbow beautifully in the following lines,

“There are bridges on the rivers,

As pretty as you please;

But the bow that bridges heaven,

And overtops the trees,

And builds a road from earth to sky,

Is prettier far than these”

And just like the colours of the rainbow, seven enterprising and creative women from different walks of life came together to do something different to make a difference. The seven founder members envisage the ‘Saheli club’ to grow in size and stature and become one of its kind in Sydney.

The club will not just be about hosting events, but would include education, interaction and socialisation with loads of entertainment and fun. It will work as a support group and an information gathering platform not only for established members but also for the newly arrived Indian migrant community. As an incorporated association, it will be guided and governed by its constitution and all members will be expected to adhere to the rules, regulations and specifications set down by the executive committee.

The establishment of this club is the actualisation of a dream to create a dais, to generate pathways and to build a beautiful platform for Indian women across Sydney to build great friendships. In the recent years, technology has redefined friendship as with the click of a button, we can add a friend or make a new connection. Our most important and powerful connections happen when we’re face-to-face. A recent Swedish study states that maintaining a rich network of friends can add significant years to our lives and hence it is important to stay in touch with real friends in the real world.

You must be wondering how to be part of this fabulous organisation? You can do so by visiting their website or their facebook page @saheliclubsydney. The launch party for the club is happening on 5th March 2017. So don’t wait and join today!

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