Speak the language of 400 million people!

By Lucero De Alva

Learning a foreign language, is becoming much more of a necessity in today’s society. According to census reports, Spanish is the second most-spoken language in the world. With 387 million native speakers, more people on earth speak Spanish than English. The opportunities for Spanish speakers across the globe are endless and with Mexico being one of the most open trading nations in the world, we should consider adding this subject to our children’s education list. Learning this language will definitely benefit their lives in many different ways and at some point during their lives, they will find that knowing Spanish is extremely useful and valuable.

foreign-languageSpanish speaking countries include: Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Nowadays if you want to continue your education, you’ll need to take foreign language classes. Most colleges require that undergraduate students take at least two semesters and many require students to be able to read and comprehend at least one, sometimes two, foreign languages. Learning Spanish is an investment that will definitely pay off later in life.

If they become adults who love to travel the world, they’ll have even more fun if they go to a Spanish speaking country — Of course, they won’t need to know Spanish, or any other foreign language, for that matter, to travel overseas, but they’ll find that it really enhances their experience to know the language. In fact, even if they don’t travel to a Spanish speaking country, they’ll still find that knowing Spanish is an asset. Let’s say they go to Paris, or to Rome. More likely than not, they’ll run into Europeans who don’t speak English, but do speak several other languages, and they’ll be able to communicate using their Spanish.

Spanish is a romance language, which means if you’re in France or Italy, for example, you’ll have an easier time deciphering their languages because they’re very similar.

Once your child begins studying this language, he/she will find that it is easier than they thought. Hundreds of words are the same in both English and Spanish, they’re just pronounced a little differently. For English-speaking children, there’s no easier second language to learn than Spanish, so, if you are one of those parents that are highly interested in opening the doors to the world for your children, consider Spanish lessons as something they can begin with TODAY.

Now you can learn Spanish for just ONE Dollar a month. Register with us at spanishfrommexico@outlook.com and learn the language of 400 million people!

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