Victoria Police has stepped up street patrols and arrested 70 people following a series of thefts and robberies in Carlton and Melbourne over recent months.

The incidents have generally taken place in the CBD and around the University of Melbourne precinct in the late hours of the evening most commonly involving personal items such as phones being snatched from victims in public.


Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton said offenders had targeted people who had valuable items on display or in plain sight.

“We want to reassure the student community and those affected by these crimes that we’re doing all we can to prevent this behaviour from taking place in the future,” CCP Ashton said.

“This criminal behaviour is opportunistic and has generally occurred when victims are alone or distracted.

“The safety of our community members is our number one priority and we won’t tolerate people breaking the law.  Everyone has the right to feel safe in public.

“Uniform and covert police patrols have been increased in and around the university precinct to provide a highly visible police presence and deter criminal activity.”

Police have been in close contact with university staff and student representatives and are investigating all matters.

This engagement takes place on a regular basis throughout the year to address emerging issues and concerns and share crime prevention advice.

Victoria Police also met with the Chinese Consulate last month to reinforce our commitment to community safety, as around one third of victims have been Chinese Nationals.

In a separate incident on Saturday 23 April, police responded to an aggravated burglary in Ormond in which the victims were also Chinese students.

Taskforce Tense have arrested all offenders responsible for the aggravated burglary. Seven people have been arrested with four people charged and remanded in custody.

They have been charged with aggravated burglary, theft of motor vehicle and assault charges. The suspected stolen property and motor vehicles have been recovered. Investigators have confirmed that the occupants of the Ormond premises were not targeted based on their ethnicity and that the intention of the offenders was to steal the luxury motor vehicles parked outside.

“Melbourne is a welcoming and safe community and police are doing everything they can to ensure community safety,” CCP Ashton said.

If you are in danger or request urgent police assistance, call Triple Zero (‘000’) immediately.

If you are a victim of crime, we encourage you to report the matter to police by attending your closest police station. The information you provide to police can often mean the difference between identifying an offender or not. Police take all matters reported to them seriously. Police treat victims with respect and ensure they have access to support systems if required.

Alternatively, if you witness a crime, you can make an anonymous report to Crime Stoppers by calling 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential crime report to www.crimestoppersvic.com.au


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