Attorney-General appoints new magistrates

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Yvette D’Ath has appointed three new magistrates to help deliver justice across Queensland.

Mrs D’Ath said senior lawyers Andrew Hackett, Kay Philipson and Louisa Pink would be sworn in as magistrates of the Queensland Magistrates Court in Brisbane on Tuesday.


“These three well-respected lawyers have enjoyed long and varied careers in the legal profession. Each of them possesses the legal skill and knowledge, experience and temperament required to serve as judicial officers of this State,” she said.

Mrs D’Ath said the trio would be appointed to courts across Queensland, including regional centres as part of their service rotations.

“Mr Hackett is a criminal lawyer with over 25 years’ experience. He has been the Director of Criminal Law with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service since 2010,” Mrs D’Ath said.

“Ms Philipson has practised at the private bar since 1998, enjoying a diverse practice including criminal defence, coronial inquests and appellate work. She regularly appears on behalf of the state of Queensland on applications brought under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act.

“After commencing her legal career in the office of the Special Prosecutor in 1990, Ms Pink held a number of roles in legislative and policy development. She went into private practice in 2004 and since 2006 she has been a solicitor with Robertson O’Gorman Solicitors.

“I know all three will be welcome additions to the Magistrates Court and will make their own significant contributions to the important work that court does across the state.

“I congratulate each of them on their appointment to these vital roles.”

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