Minister for Multiculturalism John Ajaka is seeking applications for a Youth Member for the Multicultural NSW Advisory Board.

“I want to ensure the youthful, multicultural voices of New South Wales are heard loud and clear,” Mr Ajaka said.

“By giving young people seats at the table, we can ensure our services and policies better reflect their unique needs and wants.

“Importantly, by proactively engaging with young people we can harness their often innovative, forward-thinking ideas which will benefit all of us.”

Multicultural NSW builds and maintains a cohesive and harmonious multicultural society that enriches the lives of all the people of New South Wales.

There are two youth representative seats on the Multicultural NSW Board with one current Youth Member, Mr Devpaal Singh, representing youth since September 2014.

“It has been an amazing opportunity as I have direct access to key community leaders, Multicultural NSW and the Minister, to bring the voices of youth to the table,” said Mr Singh.

“I encourage people who have a keen interest in multicultural affairs to apply for this unique opportunity.”

Applications are open to people between the ages of 18 and 24, are currently actively engaged and committed to cultural diversity.

Applications close Friday 13 May 2016 at 5 pm.

For further information and to complete an application form visit

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