Swami Chidananda: ‘An Ocean of Compassion’

By A Devotee

The Divine Life Society of Australia

How precious a gift it is to be able to come into contact with a great sage, even if the contact may not be in person.The story of Swami Chidananda has been a story of total divinisation of the human personality. Love, Compassion and Service to the sick, especially the lepers came naturally to him.He dedicated his entire life in the service of His Master Swami Sivananda and His Divine mission.

The impact of the teachings of such a great soul,in whichever form, continues to provide guidance, inspiration and encouragementto all seekers.

24th September 2016 marks the birth centenary of this GREAT MASTER. As part of the centenary celebrations,an inspiring drama on the life and teachings of Swami Chidananda is being presented by The Divine Life Society of Australia and AnanyaSamarpanaPerforming Arts.

The celebrations continue with a two day retreat titled “HARMONY IN LIFE”, presentedby keynote speaker HH Swami Nirliptanandaji, senior Vice President, Divine Life Society,Rishikesh, to help us practically adopt these teachings, into our daily lives.

 Come join us for the centenary celebrations as detailed below:

 Drama Venue: Marana Auditorium, 16 MacMohan Street, Hurstville 2220

Date: Saturday 23rdApril 2016, 5.15 pm Start

Retreat Venue: Strathfield Girls High School

Date: Saturday 30th April, 1st May 2016, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm



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