The interim report of an inquiry into chemotherapy dosing at St Vincent’s Hospital has been made public.

The inquiry, led by the Cancer Institute and Clinical Excellence Commission, was commissioned by the Secretary of NSW Health under Section 122 of the Health Services Act 1997.

“I have been provided with the interim report into the off-protocol prescribing by Dr John Grygiel of chemotherapy for head and neck cancers at St Vincent’s Hospital,” Health Minister Jillian Skinner said.

“The interim findings are concerning, particularly in relation to the failure to communicate accurately and promptly with affected patients, inadequate clinical governance, incident notification and management practices in the oncology department at St Vincent’s Hospital.

“The inquiry’s interim report has recommended an expanded terms of reference to cover a larger cohort of Dr Grygiel’s patients as part of its next stage, as well as immediate remedial measures for St Vincent’s Hospital and actions to safeguard the broader health system. These recommendations have been accepted in full.

“In the interests of transparency, the interim report has been placed on the NSW Health website.

“It is important to note that there is a second independent investigation underway by the Health Care Complaints Commission into the treatment of patients under Dr Grygiel’s care.

“I have full confidence these independent investigations will address the issues arising from this case transparently, fairly and comprehensively,” Mrs Skinner said.

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