Proving her will is stronger than her disability, girl tops UPSC examination 2014

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By:Kavita karki

Ira Singhal, a 31 year old general category candidate who hails from Delhi became the first differently- abled woman to top UPSC Examinations 2014 in which the top four positions were bagged by women. Ira singhal was shocked and surprised at her achievement. Her disability could never become a liability on her as her genius brain was her biggest asset.

She says, she has never felt ‘‘different’’ or been treated differently because of her physical appearance. Her intelligence out casted disability.

She definitely personifies a strong, determined and focused woman, who never made her disability an excuse but focused on her abilities to become the most able of all – UPSC topper the genius Ira singhal. She concentrated on the things her disability didn’t prevent her doing well and didn’t regret the things it interfered with. She wasn’t disabled in spirit and minds.

‘’ This is a great moment for me and my family. I think after this people will respect women more and specially disabled women,’’ Ms Singhal said. She knows of what she wants to do next. Women and children are her top priority, and she appreciates PM Narendra Modi’s Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign. ‘I want to be an IAS officer. I want to do something for the benefit of physically- handicapped people’’ said an overwhelmed Ira.





  1. She is a victim of scoliosis, a spine- related disorder, which interrupts her arm movement.


  1. This condition prohibits her from being eligible to be an Indian revenue officer, a clerk or even a sweeper.

India enacted the persons with disability (PWD) Act after adopting a declaration on the Full Participation and Equality of People with disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region in 1992. This act provides 1% reservation in all government jobs for the disabled, but a hiring policy which differentiates between certain types of disability denied postings to Ms. Singhal despite qualifying in civil services examination four years in a row.

Her disability meant that she was not eligible for postings in any other service but the Indian Administrative Service. She says that she was excluded from all postings in other services, including clerical and secretarial posts.

Only the best performing candidates get postings in the Indian Administrative Service.

This means, Ms. Singhal had no other option but to come first in the UPSC Examinations in order to get a posting that she qualified for, under the government policy of hiring disabled people.

  1. The 31 year old Ira clinched the first position in her fourth attempt at the highly competitive UPSC Examinations.


  1. Though she got through the examination in 2010 as well but she was denied a position on the basis of her physical disability.

After being unable to get a posting the first time, she fought and won her case in the Central Administrative Tribunal and was finally posted in December 2014.

‘’It was a big disappointment, a major setback then. But I decided to fight back. It was tough initially as I had to undergo tests, submit medical certificates and prove that I am capable of doing jobs entrusted to me in the IRS. For two years, it was tough but then everyone realised that I am capable of working in spite of the disabilities. They realised I am no pushover,’’

says Ira Singhal on her success recalling the 2010 episode.


  1. Her disability prevents her from fully twisting her arms due to some trouble with her spinal cord and short height ( yes, Ira is only four feet five inches). The authorities refused to give her a posting in 2010 citing her ‘’inability to push, pull and lift’’ as a reason. Meanwhile, she also gave examination twice after that to ‘improve her rank’. She never gave up. She fought against discrimination, trumped and wronged disability to ultimately top the country’s most prestigious UPSC Examination.


  1. She has an impressive educational background from her schooling in Loreto Convent and Army Public School, Dhaula Kuan to her graduation in B.E (Computer Engineering) from Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology and a post graduation in M.B.A (Marketing and Finance) from Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi.


  1. She is a huge football fan (shout-out to all the Barcelona fans) and a Harry Potter admirer too.



  1. She is extremely proficient in Spanish and has earlier worked as a Spanish teacher for a year, as a manager in Cadbury India and a marketing intern in beverage hulk the coca cola company. This Delhiite is currently posted as Assistant Commissioner in the Customs and Excise Department of the Indian Revenue Services, but will surely move to an IAS posting soon.

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