jobs_newspaper1_1Official jobs data has confirmed NSW’s position as the nation’s strongest performing economy.


NSW Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian said the latest ABS data showed there were 11,300 jobs added in NSW in June – more than double the next highest state.


“These figures are yet more proof that NSW is the nation’s strongest economy,” Ms Berejiklian said.


“When we promised to make NSW number one again, we meant it, and today’s jobs figures confirm we have delivered on that pledge.”


The policies of the Liberals & Nationals Government have helped to create more than 219,000 jobs in NSW since April 2011, the ABS data shows.


That trend has continued since the March election, with the creation of another 39,100 jobs since the Government was re-elected.


The data also shows that the NSW unemployment rate has been at or below the national average for 19 out of the last 20 months.


The labour force figures come after the recent Westpac-Melbourne Institute Index of Consumer Sentiment, which cemented NSW as the nation’s most confident state.


It also comes after the Liberals & Nationals Government in June handed down a strong NSW Budget, which forecasted surpluses over the next four years.


Ms Berejiklian said the Government would continue to work hard to create the jobs NSW desperately needs.


“Our plan to unlock $20 billion through the lease of the State’s poles and wires will allow NSW to finally reach its full potential,” she said.


“Rebuilding NSW will build the vital infrastructure NSW needs to take itself to the next level.”


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