Australia immerses itself in Yoga fervor on the first International Yoga Day

18The United Nations Organization has marked 21st June as the ‘International Yoga Day’. The member nations of the UNO actively participated and absorbed themselves on the first International Yoga Day. Australia an active member of the UN partook with immense zeal and zest.

The first International Yoga Day saw thousands turning to their Yoga mats to celebrate events organized by Hindu Council of Australia with support of many community organizations and many other organizations across all major cities of Australia.

Australia embraced the 5000-year-old science in such grandeur that masses in huge numbers turned up and celebrated the occasion.

The Free Yoga events registered an overwhelming response to its unrestricted events organized across many cities of Australia including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.

Sydney, the yoga capital of Australia witnessed its tryst with spirituality at the iconic Bondi Beach and the multicultural hub Parramatta.

Participants at the Bondi Beach started their eventful day with the sun salutation or Surya Namaskar. They also took part in the popular Hatha Yoga, laughter yoga and meditation. One of the most popular sessions was the one on Yoga for surfers that combined science with sports. Participants were also treated with enlightening panel discussions, many of which were an eye opener.

Parramatta event turned out to be very popular among the Yoga lovers as it sits right in the heart of the multicultural capital of Sydney. The cultural events and the Grand Surya Namaskar swept audience off their feet.

The distinguished dignitaries at the event included, Lord Mayor Parramatta Scott Lloyd, Julie Ovens, the Federal Member of Parliament of Parramatta, Alex Hawke, Federal Member of Parliament of Mitchell and many others, who expressed their joy and jubilance over the celebration.

The Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, reminded the world at the U.N. assembly in 2014 that for 5000 years India has been practicing Yoga as a system of uniting the body, mind and spirit for a peaceful and harmonious co-existence.

The Hindu Council of Australia through its endeavors, not only supports the efforts of the Indian Prime Minister, but also seeks to bring the benefits of yoga to each and every individual in Australia. They have also set the stage for future editions of this grand event.

Keeping up with the spirit of India i.e. spreading ancient knowledge, the Hindu Council of Australia are organizing these Yoga events absolutely free of cost in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth for people to witness peace and contentment of mind, body, heart and soul.

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