The Art of Living Foundation observed the first international Yoga Day in Australia amid active participation and ardor

9On June 21, 2015 as the sun rays kissed the earth, countries across the globe participated in celebrations from standing on one leg to stretching hands towards the sky in unison or simply sitting in the lotus position. This day marked a new event in the international calendar with participants striking poses at landmarks such as India Gate, Great Wall of China, Lincoln Centre and under the Eiffel tower. In Australia, the event started to unfold across Bondi beach, Sydney Harbour, Federation Square and across the entire nation.

A memorable celebration was organised by the Art of Living Foundation to mark the 1st International Day of Yoga at the scenic Moonee Valley Race Course.
Art of Living Foundation is one of the largest volunteer based (not for profit) organizations in the world founded by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. AOL as it is lovingly known, has special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

Every day, the organization engages in hundreds of thousands of acts of humanitarian work community service and trauma relief – globally.
The event was held in the spacious Celebrity room with more than 250 participants, full of vibrant energy and enthusiasm. We were fortunate to have Chris Virgona, a senior Art of Living member and Yoga teacher from Sydney who made the Yoga session look effortless with his clear and engaging instructions.

The poses worked a miracle, bringing awareness to the breath, warming up the spine and the body with an hour of stretching the familiar and the not so familiar muscles, it relieved– like a hot tea soothing a sore throat.
After the yoga, there was a dramatic shift, from being aware of the presence of more than 250 people to feeling not even one’s own self. That was Yoga Nidra, literally meaning “Yogic Sleep”.

Other key highlights of this amazing event was the presence of Aunty Dianne of the Wurundjeri Country who was the guest speaker and initiated the proceedings by the lighting of the lamp, followed by Hon. Daniel Pearson – Labor Member for the State Seat of Essendon, Cr. Narelle Sharpe- Mayor from Moonee Valley Council, Arun Sharma – Chairman of Celebrate India, Div Pillay – Interim Committee, Australian Indian Business Council (AIBC) Victoria and Chair of the Women in Business, AIBC, Victoria, Mr. C. S. Srinivasan – Commissioner, Victorian Multicultural Commission, Molina Asthana – Principal Solicitor with the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office Abhijit Bhide – head of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh and Lindy Jourbet -Director of the inaugural UNESCO Observatory on Multi- Disciplinary Research in the Arts for the Asia-Pacific and other regions.

The close of the event was marked by a unique form of Yoga called “Sukshma yoga” guided by Kalpana Jayashankar, the current National Teachers Co-ordinator with The Art of Living Foundation, Australia, followed by a beautiful guided meditation by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
A perfect start to a beautiful day ahead.

(To know more about the Art of Living Foundation and their programmes, please visit /

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