Premier Colin Barnett today provided a $60,000 cheque to the Salvation Army for its annual Red Shield Appeal.
The Premier presented the State Government’s annual gift during a breakfast at Perth Arena ahead of the annual doorknock appeal later this month.
“The Red Shield Appeal is an essential fundraising campaign that allows the Salvation Army to continue to provide support to many West Australians,” Mr Barnett said.
“During our first term, this Government allocated an unprecedented additional $604 million over four years to support a sustainable not-for-profit sector and to improve outcomes for some of the State’s most vulnerable individuals, families and communities.
“This funding has helped to support organisations such as the Salvation Army to deliver high quality and effective community services to West Australians.”
The Premier congratulated the Salvation Army, which is celebrating its 150th year worldwide, for its work in providing assistance to more than one million Australians every year in the form of meals, short-term accommodation and refuge, aged care, chaplaincy services and other programs.
“I encourage all West Australians to give generously to the Red Shield Appeal on May 30 and 31,” he said.
Fact File
The State and Commonwealth Governments have committed about $75 million through the National Affordable Housing Agreement and the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness in 2014-15
The first Red Shield Appeal was held in 1965