Some of Victoria’s most vulnerable women and children at risk of family violence will be able to remain in their
homes under a CCTV and duress card trial.
Fulfilling an election promise, the Andrews Labor Government will provide $900,000 in the 2015-16 Victorian
Budget allowing at least 45 women experiencing family violence to take part in the pilot program, which will
include CCTV monitoring of their homes.
Women involved in the trial will also be given emergency alarms that can be activated if a victim is in immediate
danger and unable to call 000.
The duress cards include a camera and capture GPS, audio and visual data which enables live streaming to a call
centre who notify police and ambulance immediately.
The presence of CCTV cameras and duress cards aims to act as a deterrent to the breaching of intervention
orders, as well as collecting valuable evidence in the event of any violations.
This one year pilot will be rolled out by community service organisations in four locations that experience high
incidences of family violence.
Quotes attributable to Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, Fiona Richardson
“Duress cards and CCTV trials will support some of the most vulnerable women and children in Victoria, helping
them to feel safe within their homes.”
“The pilot program has the potential to change the lives of women and children living in fear and danger each
“The Royal Commission into Family Violence will be made aware of this trial and its outcomes.”
Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos
“The social and economic dislocation, as well as disruption to a child’s education, when being forced to move to
escape family violence, cannot be overstated.”
“New initiatives like this seek to reduce family violence and this pilot will help us gather evidence about the best
strategies to help women and children.”