Amazing voices of Africa

1The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade today welcomed the African Children’s Choir to the RG Casey Building.

The Choir, which is comprised of young children from Uganda, performed traditional songs for the Department as part of a three month tour of Australia.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for Australia and Uganda to build shared cultural understanding and people-to-people ties,” said Deputy Secretary Ric Wells.

The Choir also expressed their appreciation for Australia’s ongoing support for Uganda. The Government provided funding under the Direct Aid Program (DAP) to build a classroom block at the African Children’s Choir Primary School in 2014.

“This event is an important reminder of the impact of Australia’s DAP program in Africa. DAP projects are modest in size, but they are making a real difference by supporting grass-roots and community-based organisations, such as the African Children’s Choir,” Mr Wells said.

Australia has funded 10 DAP projects in Uganda in the past two years.

To commemorate the event, Choir Director of Development Mr Scott Lambie presented a signed photograph to the Department.

“The support of the Australian Government is helping Africa’s most vulnerable children as they pursue their dreams and make positive changes in their communities,” Mr Lambie said.

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