AIBC Media Release ICT Chapter event: The Internet of Things 230415

IMG_4113The Australia India Business Council Ltd (AIBC) NSW ICT Chapter organized, as part of its highly successful series, an event on “The Internet of Things” at L’Acqua Darling Harbour on April 23, 2015.

The event, in partnership with NITT ICT had a distinguished line up of expert speakers and was well attended by industry leaders, representatives from government and AIBC members and associates.

According to ICT Chapter Chair, Raja Venkateswar who moderated the event, the Internet of Things could very well be the future of the Internet. This has changed not only the way we interact with each other, but also the way we interact with the “things” in this world.

“The Internet of Things was changing the way we live, the way businesses need to think of their service offerings to an increasingly discerning and knowledgeable set of customers keen to get the best value for their business dollar,” he said.

It is estimated that 31 billion devices and 4 billion people will be connected to the Internet by 2020. This equates to almost eight devices per person connected to the Internet. Devices are becoming intelligent, instrumented and inter-connected and such disruptive technologies will impact the way we live, do business and deliver results, create and sustain value.

IMG_4130Speakers who shared their expertise included:
Wayne Arthur, Chief Executive Officer, SkyFii
Matthews George, CIO, Metlife; Australia
Andrew Dobbins, Chief Executive Officer, Moboom
Sumer Shoree, General Manager (Technology) Australand

This event brought together leaders from diverse backgrounds – Media & Entertainment, Insurance, Telecom and Real Estate to explore the theme and its potential for disruption of business and lifestyle models.

This event was the fifth in the series of events organized by the AIBC NSW ICT Chapter focusing on emerging technologies disrupting and innovating on business models.

Earlier events had focused on Social Media & Analytics, Location based technologies, Cloud technologies and managing crisis situations in business due to technology led disruption.

Event partner was Japanese Multinational Corporation NTT Communications and Yoshi Hashimoto representing NTT spoke about the increasing relevance of Telecom providers to innovate and utilize the internet of Things as a key technology of future.

Raja summarized the theme as something that puts a fourth A in the emerging technology paradigm – the last one SMAC (Social Mobile Analytics and Cloud) allowed people to share information Anytime, Anyplace, and anyone, IOT does all that and with Anything.

The next event is planned for 18 June 2015 at Sydney CBD venue and will focus on ‘Analytics as a management strategy’ featuring three well known industry leaders with deep interest and experience in the industry.

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