New research has shown that a misunderstanding about the safety of breast screening mqdefaultmammograms is

making women from Indian and Sri Lankan communities afraid of having lifesaving breast screens.

Chief Cancer Officer and CEO of the Cancer Institute NSW, Professor David Currow explained that the

small amount of radiation from screening mammograms is harmless and is far outweighed by the risk of

cancer that results from not screening.

“A breast screening mammogram is completely safe. It causes about the same amount of radiation that a

person would receive from flying from Australia to London and back,” Professor Currow said.

“One of the most important things that women aged 50-74 can do for their health is to participate in breast

screening. Early detection of breast cancers means women have less invasive treatment options and better

survival outcomes.

“In Australia, 1 in 8 women with be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime and 1 in 3 women will

develop some form of cancer.”

To encourage more women from Indian and Sri Lankan communities to understand the importance of

breast screening, the Pink Sari Project was initiated last September by the NSW Multicultural Health

Communication Service in partnership with the NSW Refugee Health Service with funding from the Cancer

Institute NSW.

Service Director at Westmead Breast Cancer Institute, Associate Professor Nirmala Pathmanathan, said

that it was during Pink Sari activities that women explained they were not booking their breast screens

because of fear that the radiation could cause serious health problems, including cancer.

“Uncovering this misunderstanding has helped us provide relevant information to allay the women’s fears

and create a groundswell of Pink Sari supporters who can educate and encourage other women to screen,”

Associate Professor Pathmanathan said.

“Through Pink Sari Project sessions, there is now better understanding of breast cancer and the role of

breast screening in early detection and better treatment outcomes.

“We have received tremendous support from the Indian and Sri Lankan community leaders, health workers,

medical practitioners and members who have been spreading the important message of regular breast

screening for women aged 50-74.

“Pink Sari has been a real community effort and everyone involved should be proud of the impact they are

making on the lives of women from Indian and Sri Lankan communities.”

All women aged between 50 and 74 should book 13 20 50 to book your free mammogram.

For more information, visit the Pink Sari Project website www.pinksariproject.org

Join the conversation on www.facebook.com/thepinksariproject

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