Will create mechanism to facilitate German investment: Modi

modi-merkel_650x400_51429012172Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said his government will create a mechanism to facilitate German investment in India and provide all support to German companies there.

In his remarks at the joint media interaction with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Modi strongly pitching for making India a manufacturing hub and for success of his government’s “Make in India” initiative and that India and European Union should quickly resume their negotiations and conclude a trade and investment agreement.

Modi said he and Merkel had “very open, constructive and perceptive discussions” on bilateral relations.

“Yesterday in Hannover, she accepted the invitation of India’s Lion to raise the level of Germany’s engagement in India and assured me of a strong response by Germany’s Eagle. I believe that there will be a strong partnership between the King of the Earth, Lion and the King of the Skies, the Eagle,” he said.

Referring to his stopover in Berlin last year during his visit to Brazil for BRICS meeting, Modi said it was followed by Germany’s triumph in the football World Cup final.

“This time in Berlin, I feel that we will also be successful in taking the strategic partnership between India and Germany to new heights,” he said.

Terming his visit as productive and successful, Modi said he looked forward to Merkel’s visit to India in October. Noting Germany prowess in technology, manufacturing and high quality of products, he said India looked forward to its strong partnership for ‘Make in India’.

Development of India as a manufacturing hub will also benefit German companies, he said.

Noting skill development was vital for creating employment and Germany was a world leader in the field, he said: “There is a lot that we can learn from Germany. We had a detailed discussion on the subject.”

The two countries intend to strengthen their close cooperation in the areas of science, technology and education, he added.

He assured German industry that they will find an open and stable environment in India and will have his full support to invest and work there.

He said the feedback he got during his interactions will benefit him in framing policies. “I have also decided that we will establish a mechanism for German companies to facilitate their investment and business in India,” Modi said.

Modi also sought German cooperation in making equipment for clean energy in India and enhance “our shared efforts” to address the challenge of climate change.

Noting negotiations between India and European Union on a broad-based trade and investment agreement have remained stalled for two years, he said: “I have requested Chancellor Merkel that India and European Union should resume the negotiations quickly and conclude a balanced and mutually beneficial agreement at the earliest.”

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