Troy Grant med rel: Arab Film Festival Australia Co-Director appointed to NSW Film & Television Industry Advisory Committee

23Deputy Premier and Minister for the Arts, Troy Grant, has welcomed the appointment of Ms Mouna Zaylah, Co-Director of the Arab Film Festival Australia, to the NSW Film and Television Industry Advisory Committee.

Ms Zaylah’s three-year term will start on 1 January, 2015.

“NSW is Australia’s undisputed film and television production hub offering the strongest creative workforce and most extensive screen infrastructure in Australia,” Mr Grant said.

“In NSW we have first class cast and production crews, leading creative and digital skills, a wealth of great locations, and a Government that backs its screen industry through Screen NSW.

“Ms Zaylah will bring extensive experience working with artists and screen practitioners in Western Sydney as well as an understanding of developing an award-winning film festival from the ground up.

“The Committee represents industry interests, providing Screen NSW with arm’s length decision-making for production funding decisions and offering valuable industry feedback and market intelligence,” Mr Grant said.

Chair of the NSW Film and Television Industry Advisory Committee, Helen Wright, has also welcomed the appointment.

“I am delighted to welcome Mouna to the Advisory Committee. Her appointment adds to our broad range of skills, bringing a new perspective to the Committee’s decision-making and strategic advice.”

Mr Grant also paid tribute to the outgoing Committee member, Patricia Rothkrans thanking her for five years of service on the Board of the NSW Film and Television Office and six months of service as a member of the Film and Television Industry Advisory Committee.

“Patricia brought a wealth of experience in international production and attracting production to NSW. Her service on the Board and Committee helped to strengthen Screen NSW and the State’s screen sector,” Mr Grant said.

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