Hon Albert Jacob BEnvDes M.Arch JP MLA — Extra protection for WA’s native species

0Nine fauna and flora species have been added to Western Australia’s threatened species lists.

Environment Minister Albert Jacob said listing native species as threatened strengthened the need for conservation and highlighted the importance of initiatives such as the Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy and Western Shield.

“Carter’s freshwater mussel has been added to the list. This species has declined in some south-west rivers. Management actions, including measures to maintain catchment water quality, are being co-ordinated by the departments of Parks and Wildlife, Fisheries and Water,” Mr Jacob said.

“Flora species added to the threatened list will benefit from protection from the impact of activities such as road works and land development.”

The western ringtail possum has moved from vulnerable to endangered and banksia verticillata from vulnerable to critically endangered.

“Declining western ringtail possum numbers in the southern forest areas has triggered the change,” the Minister said.

“A recovery plan has been prepared for the possum and other actions, such as feral predator control, will continue.”

Banksia verticillata occurs on the south coast and requires ongoing management of phytophthora dieback, aerial canker and protection from bushfires.

One flora species, stachystemon nematophorus, a dense shrub in the Kalbarri region, was removed from the list because larger populations are now known to exist.

A low spreading shrub, scholtzia sp. bickley, was added to the presumed extinct list because it is only known from a single specimen collected in the Bickley area in 1920. It has not been found again, despite extensive searches.

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