John Barilaro med rel Support our local economy this holiday season

27NSW Minister for Small Business, John Barilaro, is encouraging families across the State to support small businesses this holiday season by purchasing their goods and services locally.

Mr Barilaro said there are over 680,000 small businesses in NSW, which employ about half our workforce and make an important contribution to our local economy, provide local jobs and support local communities.

“As we celebrate the festive season there are many small businesses in tourism, retail and hospitality sectors that can offer holiday-makers travelling across NSW, unique accommodation packages as well as seasonal goods and services,” Mr Barilaro said.

“This time of year presents a great opportunity for everyone to shop at their favourite small business or take a short break and explore some of the fantastic tourist attractions in regional NSW that provide many great experiences,” he said.

“Our small businesses are often involved in supporting local community activities, sporting clubs and schools and continue to make an enormous contribution to the state economy each year.

“By supporting our local businesses, our community becomes more connected and there is an added bonus of buying special gifts that are unique.

“The NSW Government is creating an economic environment that empowers small businesses that will help maintain business confidence and encourage further long- term prosperity for NSW small business operators.

“The NSW Government is on target to save the business community an estimated $750 million by June 2015 by slashing red tape.

“I would like to wish all small businesses an enjoyable trading period during this festive season and encourage everyone to take advantage of the holiday season by shopping locally and supporting tourism hubs in regional NSW,” Mr Barilaro said.

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