Hon Michael Mischin LLB (Hons) BJuris (Hons) MLC — Another judge appointed to WA District Court

1High profile criminal barrister Laurence Levy SC has been appointed a judge of the District Court of Western Australia.

Attorney General Michael Mischin said the appointment would fill the vacancy left by the promotion of Justice Jeremy Curthoys to the Supreme Court.

Mr Mischin said Mr Levy had specialised in the area of criminal law and disciplinary matters for 25 years, appearing in cases in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia.

“Mr Levy is well regarded in the legal profession for his extensive experience as counsel in trials relating to murder, sexual assaults, corruption and fraud, and State and Federal drug matters,” he said.

“I have no doubt that his skills and knowledge of the criminal justice system will serve him well in this new role.”

Mr Levy commenced his articles with David Grace QC in 1989, where he remained as a solicitor for nearly four years.

In 1993, he joined the Victorian Bar and relocated to Western Australia in 1997 to run a criminal law firm.

Mr Levy was appointed Senior Counsel for Western Australia in December 2008, and he subsequently joined the Western Australian Bar.

Mr Levy has appeared in numerous Supreme Court and High Court Appeals, as well as acting as counsel in many prominent criminal trials.

Mr Levy will begin his new role on December 8.

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