Parramatta MP Geoff Lee today announced green screening, new park facilities and space activation strategies are helping to reduce graffiti at Eric Primrose Reserve in Rydalmere.

Dr Lee said the NSW Government provided Parramatta City Council with $100,000 to upgrade the reserve as part of its Graffiti Hotspot program which targets local areas with high rates of graffiti vandalism.

“We are investing in permanent solutions to stop graffiti,” Dr Lee said.

“The Eric Primrose Reserve has been a hotspot for graffiti because it has a river on one side and factories on the other, with the building’s walls constantly being vandalised.

“The project involved planting green screening along the boundaries which creates a natural barrier to prevent people from engaging in graffiti.
“There is also space for cyclists to stop and rest and a new fitness station for joggers to encourage recreational activity.

“Activating public space and bringing people into an area increases foot traffic and natural surveillance, reducing the opportunity for graffiti vandals to destroy public property.”

Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Scott Lloyd said the project was a great asset for Rydalmere and would help to keep the area attractive and free of graffiti.
“I thank the Baird Government for providing us with this grant,” the Lord Mayor said.

“Unsightly and often offensive graffiti is a constant problem throughout Sydney, and this project has added to a range of measures we’re undertaking to target graffiti in Parramatta.

“The project has also showcased local heritage through the planting of an ‘orange orchid’ reminiscent of the original use of the area.”

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